Wieden: These places in the 4th district are particularly good for cooling off

by time news

Mist showers, drinking hydrants, water playgrounds: These are the places on the Wieden where you can find refuge from the high summer temperatures.

VIENNA/WIEDEN. The weather report shows: We are still facing a hot summer. At times, the temperatures should even reach 40 degrees Celsius.

This can not only be uncomfortable, but also have health consequences such as headaches, circulatory problems and heat strokes. It is therefore important to make preparations in order to survive the heat wave well. That’s why the district newspaper took a look at the coolest places on the Wieden – here’s an overview:

Off to the green!

You are particularly well protected from the heat in the countryside, for example through trees, damp grass or the numerous cooling measures of the city of Vienna.

A recommendation from the district newspaper is the Alois Drasche Park. Here you will find a lot of cooling.

Cool Karlsplatz

The Karlsplatz and the Resselpark are not only a nice spot where you like to spend time in summer. You can also find refreshments there.

The Karlskirche also offers plenty of cooling from the outside and inside.

Shady trees, summer splashes, spray mist showers, floor fountains, drinking fountains or the pond in front of the Karlskirche provide refreshment on Karlsplatz.

Heavenly cooling

Speaking of Karlskirche: did you know that some old churches also provide cooling due to their size and historical building structure? As a rule, it is a few degrees cooler inside places of worship than outside.

Thanks to its architecture and marble housing, the St. Elisabeth Church provides a special cooling effect inside.

If you want to use this effect, but are on the upper Wieden and don’t want to cross the entire district, you can switch to St.-Elisabeth-Platz. There you can enjoy the St. Elisabeth Church as a kind of “architectural air conditioning”.

Write us!

In which places in the 4th district is the heat bearable? Send us your cool favorite place with address and photo by e-mail to [email protected]! We look forward to your submissions and are happy to publish your tips.

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