Éric Coquerel wants to work on the taxation of large companies

by time news
Éric Coquerel, LFI Deputy, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly. Ludovic Marin / AFP

The chairman of the Finance Committee does not feel “weakened” by the investigation opened against him for sexual harassment.

While the new deputies are taking their first steps during the debates on the bill on purchasing power, Éric Coquerel, the LFI president of the Finance Committee was received on Tuesday by the Association of Economic Journalists and financial (Ajef). After a virulent criticism of Emmanuel Macron’s record, the rebellious deputy recalled his party’s line in “assumed break with financial capitalism“. This is currently taking shape, over the course of the debates in the Assembly, through numerous amendments to the majority texts (purchasing power law and amending budget) which aims, via 20 billion euros of measures, to help the French to overcome inflation.

Concretely, the Nupes – the union of left-wing parties including LFI – has not yet managed to impose its proposals, for lack of rallying the RN and the LRs. Asked about the amendments on which his party could still win, the rebellious MP assured “not understanding why the government refuses to fix fuel prices“. While the financing needs promise to be gigantic, Éric Coquerel still denounces “tax gifts to the richest and in particular aid to companies without compensation».

On the subject of the superprofits tax project, supported by his group, he admits however that he does not have the impression “that we will get there“, despite his attempts to negotiate with LR and the recent declaration of Olivier Marleix, president of the group at the assembly who assumes not to have”no hostility to the state, by law, making more use of tankers if necessary“. On the other hand, the deputy does not wish to negotiate with the RN. “For the moment, very clearly we avoid votingr RN amendments”car le RN «is not a party like the others“, did he declare.

SEE ALSO – Purchasing power: the fuel discount replaced by a “worker’s allowance”

Aggregated tax data

More generally, Éric Coquerel intends to take advantage of his position to influence the taxation of large companies. As President of the Commission, he has the right to consult all of Bercy’s tax files. “If I realize that there are identical devices to avoid tax put in place in several large companies, I could go through a bill to correct them.“, he advanced. While several voices were worried about possible leaks in the media, the deputy assures that he will respect the rules: “ I will publish aggregated tax data and of course I will not share records. This is not the kind of house! »

Asked again about the investigation opened against him last week for sexual harassment and assault, which notably prompted MP Sandrine Rousseau to ask him to step back for the duration of the procedure, the elected official declared that he did not feel “weakened” at his post.

SEE ALSO – Coquerel affair: “He cannot chair the Finance Committee”, declares Sandrine Rousseau

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