Who misunderstood? The MK posted a conversation with a yeshiva student and caused a stir

by time news

As part of MK Orit Struck’s primaries campaign from the Religious Zionist Party, she published an exchange she had recently with a young man from the Ponivez Yeshiva, who asked her for permission to enter the Knesset, for himself and a number of his friends, so that he could watch the plenary discussions.

In response, the MK “scolded” him for saying that in the middle of “time” he wanted to leave the yeshiva hall to talk about this kind of thing and said that during the decade her husband studied at the kollel, she was careful not to use it at all. And did not go with a child to the doctor. Torah study is sacred. “

The guy of course was quick to give up on the idea and praised Struck for her dedication, and that of others in the national religious sector, to Torah study. But naturally, in the midst of the election campaign, there were those who chose to see the distribution of the video as an attempt to make comparisons between Torah scholars from the various sectors.

Many of the responders on social media, who are unfamiliar with Struck’s work for Torah scholars, including leading the fight against the dormitory ruling, reacted angrily. JDN News learned that a number of ultra-Orthodox MKs approached Struck and commented on how things were interpreted.

In a conversation with JDN News, Struck lamented the lack of understanding and clarified that “I have no doubt that the Beit Midrash in the Ponivez Yeshiva is now full of Torah scholars. I have no doubt at all. “They do not represent Torah students at all, neither in the Ponivez Yeshiva, nor in any yeshiva.”

“And I had no intention of comparing, God forbid, between the students of one yeshiva, to another. If there is (and is!) Someone who understood my words in this way – it is important for me to clarify that this is not what I wrote, certainly not what I meant. “The representative of the yeshiva.”

“The whole world of Torah is very dear to me. From the captives of Hebron and the center of the rabbi to Ponivez and Hebron. “.

“When a yeshiva student – no matter where – asks me to help him cancel Torah, I cry out. I cannot stand the spectacle of yeshiva students in the Knesset podium. It is blasphemy. It is blasphemy. “And in honor of all the meetings, I wrote what I wrote. The same one answered what he answered.”

At the end, she adds with a smile to the yeshiva perpetrators: “Ototo is truly in between times, and you too will have the opportunity to relax a little, in order to return with renewed strength.”

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