Covid and positive isolation, towards new rules: what Bassetti, Gismondo, Pregliasco say

by time news

New rules to loosen the isolation of positives in Covid and reduce its duration. The government would be moving in this direction. But what do the experts think? “As always, we arrive late. These things had to be done a month and a half or 2 months ago, when someone” among the experts “already said to do them. We would have avoided arriving in the situation of great difficulty that, I assure you, there is in I hear every day of owners of hotels, restaurants, bathing establishments, but also hospitals, public safety operators, people who unfortunately are not going to work “because in isolation,” and therefore are lacking a series of services. Of course, we always come last, as a government, and we are objectively late “on this front too. He thinks so Matteo Bassettidirector of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa.

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While the ministry is working to assess the feasibility and scientific basis of some ‘light’ quarantine hypotheses, Bassetti explains his vision to Salute: “I believe that a drastic intervention is needed, that is, we must no longer oppose the Status to the citizen as it has been done up to now. Enough with the line that says: if you are not in quarantine we will almost put you in prison. Or, worse, as happens elsewhere, electronic bracelets or other situations. have a situation in which the citizen understands the importance of self-isolation. It is through the construction of a relationship of trust that we will be able to make people understand the importance of all this not only with regard to Covid but also a tomorrow for all other infectious diseases “.

This is for Bassetti “the reasoning that needs to be done on quarantines, because otherwise people will continue to do the do-it-yourself swabs and not communicate their positivity. The whole Covid management system was wrong. Today, according to I can run for cover, but I think it is late and I do not think we can find great solutions. In general, however, the line seems positive to me, but belated in the sense that these were measures that went before. Today we are in the middle of a blaze of “Covid infections” and it is clear that changing the rules in the race is a problem “. In short, concludes the infectious disease specialist, “in the management of Covid 2022 the vote is largely insufficient. I found slowness, little reaction, little ability to exchange information with the rest of Europe, closure, pessimism”. If you were to give a face to Italy, he comments, it would be: “Postponed. Let’s meet then in September, and let’s hope that this summer we study things, because that way we won’t go anywhere”.

A ‘light’ quarantine for positive people in Covid? “It is desirable that a measure of this type be launched, and also in a hurry. We have waited too long” for the microbiologist Maria Rita Gismondo. “We need to change the rules quickly for many reasons”, he explains to Salute, emphasizing two in particular: on the one hand “it is useless to be isolated for a type of virus, like the current one, which causes such a mild pathology”; on the other hand “it is necessary that people are not absent from work so much. In the health sector, for example, for this reason we are really experiencing moments of great crisis”.

Commenting on the hypothesis of a circular from the Ministry of Health, which loosens the rules in force today for the isolation of those infected by Sars-CoV-2, the director of the Laboratory of clinical microbiology, virology and diagnostics of bioemergencies of the Sacco hospital in Milan observes that “these are types of measures that have already been adopted for some time in other European countries”. In the management of Covid-19, “Europe always goes in no particular order” since the beginning of the pandemic, explains Gismondo. “As if we had an Italian virus different from the German one, in turn different from the French or the English one, and so on”, says the expert.

Before giving a scissor kick to the period of isolation of Covid positive people “we have to spend the night”, according to the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco. “Let’s grit our teeth and wait for the actual decline of the curve” of this summer wave, “another 3 or 4 weeks”, the professor of Hygiene of the State University of Milan told Health, about the hypothesis of a circular of the Ministry of Health, with new rules to ease the quarantine of those infected by Sars-CoV-2.

Then, “after the night”, green light for a ‘light’ quarantine, agrees Pregliasco. “By the time this wave will subside, and by now we are probably there – underlines the health director of Irccs Galeazzi – I believe that what is proposed makes sense, in view of a coexistence with this virus” which will continue to give a sign of itself, “and therefore of a progression of the management of its circulation”.

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