Exciting: Watch Neta Barzilai renew the six arches with a boy with Asperger’s Syndrome

by time news

The film “I am not” by the esteemed and beloved docu-director Tomer Heiman (“Mr. Gaga” and “Jonathan Agassi saved my life”) and edited by Yaniv Saglovich and Alex Husid, winner of two awards at the Dokaviv Festival, will be released during the month of July. The film tells the story of Oren Levy, an adolescent boy who was adopted from Guatemala by an Israeli family and diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, who decides to take his family and embark on a journey to the place where he was born.

In one part of the film, the film’s protagonist Oren Levy plays his biological mother a song by Shashi Keshet – “The love that is between us” – which appeared in the film “Nurit” in 1972 and this year celebrates 50 years since its release. This is one of Oren’s favorite songs, and his dream was for Neta Barzilai to perform a new version of the song within the film. He turned to Tomer and asked him if there was a way to get to Neta Barzilai. Through a mutual friend, he was able to reach her and get her to watch the movie.

Director Tomer Heiman commented on the film in question: “When we watched the film together, Neta found herself in a storm of emotions, the social message touched her deeply. A few weeks later, we received a first sketch of the song created by Neta Barzilai with her brother, Ron, who is also a gifted double bass player. This wonderful Barzilai brothers breathed new life into one of the most important scenes in the film. “

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Neta and Ron, together with Tomer, felt that the right thing to do was to donate the proceeds from the song to “Effie” – a parents’ association that works for the well-being and advancement of children and adults with Asperger and their families.

The film “I am not” is coming out these days in the Lev Cinema network, and will be accompanied by personal conversations with the film’s protagonists and director Tomer Heiman. The film is supported by Channel 8 HOT and the New Film and Television Foundation. The creation of the single and the clip was made thanks to the company “Fiverr”.

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