Seasonal rental: rental companies will have to pay royalties

by time news

This is the cold shower for the owners of seasonal rentals. More and more of them receive a letter from the Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers, Sacem, asking them for the sum of €223.97 including tax (€198.01 excluding tax), according to The Parisian . Please note, if you do not comply with this regulation, the penalty incurred is a fine of up to €300,000.

Landlords do not understand the link between the rental of a property and copyrights. Sacem does collect royalties from composers, publishers, music creators… but what role do donors play in the eyes of the private non-profit company? Sacem’s customer service director, Jean-Félix Choukroun, assures the Parisian that this approach islegal” and “as soon as protected works are broadcast directly or recorded in premises offered for sale, such as a seasonal rental, there is an act of communication to the public subject to copyright

2€ per day

Tenants are likely to listen to music via a television, radio or CD player, which obliges owners to pay royalties. In the case of a seasonal rental, this amounts to €2 per day for approximately 105 to 110 rental days per year. And if the host manifests himself and completes the procedure online, he will benefit from a discount of 20% per year. Sacem can carry out checks to verify the presence or absence of a television or radio.

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Arguments that do not convince seasonal hosts, who do not see how music in a home corresponds to public broadcasting. Some even seea way to compensate for abolition of the audiovisual tax next year, according to The Parisian. The contribution to public broadcasting will indeed be buried from 2022. Each year, the owners of a television must pay a fee of 138 €, a tax which brings in more than 3 billion euros net every year. The system that will replace the TV license fee to finance public broadcasting is not yet known.

On the side of the hoteliers, the reaction is rather to the relief. They are already paying this contribution and did not understand why donors should not pay it too. Sacem recalls that health establishments are excluded from copyright as well as open-air hotel establishments such as campsites.

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