which proteins lower high blood pressure – time.news

by time news
from Anna Fregonara

Those that derive from legumes, vegetables and whole grains are to be consumed more often. Moderation on the other hand for red meat and refined foods

Eat a balanced diet that includes various proteins, but without excess, it helps prevent hypertension, the most important risk factor for all so-called cardiovascular accidents such as stroke and myocardial infarction. This is what emerges from a research published on Hypertension.


For six years and on a sample of nearly 12,200 adults in China with initially normal blood pressure (47% men, mean age 41 years), scientists evaluated the correlation between high blood pressure and protein consumed from eight foods: whole grains and refined, red meat (processed and unprocessed), poultry, fish, eggs and legumes. 35% of the participants developed hypertension (values ​​equal to or greater than 140 mmHg for the maximum and 90 for the minimum): compared to those who ate more protein from animal sourceswho has taken it both from animals and from vegetables He had a 66% lower risk to have blood pressure values ​​that are too high. “The other interesting aspect – explains Stefano Erzegovesi, psychiatrist and nutritionist – is that for each source of protein a appropriate consumption window in which the danger of hypertension was lower ».

What does it mean?

«That it is not necessary to“ eliminate ”some proteins but only, in the case of animal proteins, for example, to limit them: if you overdo it, the risk of hypertension increases. The proteins to be consumed most often, among those examined, are those of legumes, which do not raise the pressure, followed by those of eggs, fish, whole grains, poultry and, lastly, red meat (both fresh , both processed as cured meats) and refined carbohydrates. These last three foods are the most correlated to the onset of new cases of hypertension ».

How to behave at the table?

«Unless otherwise indicated by the doctor, I recommend legumes once a day; in the other meals of the week I suggest two portions of eggs, two of fish, one of poultry, one of red meat. Compared to the study, I add a portion of fresh dairy products a week. In this way one does not overdo it with saturated fats, enemies of pressure as is salt, to be limited to 5 g per day ».

Why is it important to vary proteins?

“Some promote chronic low-grade inflammation which is the common factor in all diseases in the Western world: hypertension, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, some cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and metabolic syndrome. Meat proteins, for example, are richer in certain amino acids that facilitate inflammation and oxidative stress, elements that affect blood pressure. Conversely, fruits and vegetables are linked to a reduction in the risk of hypertension and mortality from all causes, thanks to the presence of fiber and antioxidant polyphenols, both also available in whole grains and legumes. We abound in these foods, but we limit refined grains. On the other hand, an increase in fish proteins does not seem to have benefits on blood pressure, while the usefulness of eggs could depend on the antihypertensive peptides present ».

According to data from the Ministry of Health, 18% of Italians suffer from hypertension (50% after 74 years). Besides diet, what can we do to protect ourselves?

“Not smoking; engage in age-appropriate physical activity that includes both aerobic and anaerobic workouts; control stress by practicing meditation, yoga or mindfulness and measure the waist circumference at the level of the navel (which should not exceed 88 centimeters in women and 102 in men), because visceral fat is the one most connected to hypertension and ‘chronic inflammation’.

July 19, 2022 (change July 19, 2022 | 16:27)

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