8 important hormones in the body To get to know and deal with: PPTVHD36

by time news

in our body It contains a type of chemical called ‘hormone’ that is made by the body to communicate and interact with different organs. so that our bodies can function normally Therefore, we should get to know each other .. in order to be aware of any abnormalities.

happy hormones group

1. Endorphins

It is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland known as the ‘happy substance’. It is like natural morphine.

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The body is released only when humans are happy, satisfied, relaxed and to stimulate positive feelings when under stress, this hormone decreases.

  • do what you like or pay attention
  • Exercise for about 20 minutes or more to stimulate the release of endorphins.
  • Meditation, walking meditation, calming the mind
  • having sex at the climax

2. Dopamine

It is a hormone associated with pleasure, love and pleasure, a substance secreted by the brain and nerve cells in the body. Dopamine is involved in many parts of the nervous system, such as the functioning of the nervous system of the brain. Movement, memory and learning If the dopamine in our body is too low, it can lead to feelings of depression and depression. which is considered a psychiatric disease Drugs that treat psychiatric disorders are now being developed to use dopamine to treat it. It has also been found that in older adults that dopamine is too low can lead to Parkinson’s disease. Because the hormones are reduced, the nervous system and muscles are not related. shake and unable to walk

how to increase hormone levels

  • exercise
  • Eat a diet that contains enough amino acids and protein. Because dopamine is synthesized from the amino acid Tyrosin, which is obtained from protein foods that we eat every day, such as meat, eggs, milk, nuts, etc.

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3. Serotonin

It is an anti-stress substance secreted by the brain and by the gastrointestinal tract that affects muscle function, mood and behavior, and sleep. If the hormone levels are too low, it can make us irritable. Lack of sleep, lack of concentration, headaches, migraines or can lead to depression.

how to increase hormone levels

  • Exercise regularly to stimulate the secretion of hormones.
  • eat protein foods Because serotonin is made from tryptophan, an amino acid acid that can synthesize hormones.

8 important hormones in the body  to get to know and deal with

stress hormones

1. Cortisol

It is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is considered a type of steroid that the body can synthesize on its own. Cortisol is a stress hormone. when there is stress there was a serious incident have concerns or have a sickness of the body This hormone will be stimulated to secrete more to prepare the body for recovery. Cortisol stimulates the body’s cellular response to inflammation, pain, infection, and encourages the liver to make more sugar. Because the body needs more energy than usual under stress. This leads to eating more, being hungry more often, and gaining weight faster than usual. It also helps regulate water and mineral salt levels in the body. to maintain the pressure level to work normally as well

how to increase hormone levels

is to get enough rest Because cortisol is high in the morning. and will drop in the afternoon If we sleep for a long time, our levels of cortisol will increase and decrease normally. But for those who do not sleep enough or do not sleep at a time, there will be an abnormal secretion of hormones and at the wrong time, making the body not refreshed. and can’t sleep

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2. Adrenaline

Adrenaline or epinephrine is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. a substance of anger and related to self defense The body secretes this hormone to prepare the body for emergency response and energy expenditure. Make the coronary artery muscles work to the fullest. the heart squeezes more increased heart rate increased blood pressure and doing things in the past that could not be done, such as when a fire broke out, would rush into the house to lift heavy objects out Usually, adrenaline is released when we are excited or in an emergency and then drops to normal levels. But if the secretion is abnormally large, it may be caused by a tumor on the adrenal glands. which causes a rapid heartbeat Chronic high blood pressure is difficult to control.

8 important hormones in the body  to get to know and deal with

sex hormones

1. Testosterone

testosterone secreted by the testes Cholesterol is required for synthesis. Therefore, the body must have fat in order to be able to synthesize sex hormones. Testosterone will cause the body to change from childhood to adulthood to look like a man. Has bigger muscles, mustache, beard, hair, crackling voice, and genital changes. If hormones are working normally, the body will not have problems and will develop with age. But if there is low testosterone In children, it develops into an immature male. But if it decreases with age, it starts to decline at the age of 70 or more. If premature decline affects muscle, bone mass, there is a risk of muscle atrophy. and thin bones, having problems with erectile dysfunction and having sex

how to increase hormone levels

  • Get enough exercise and rest.
  • eat healthy food and eat foods that increase testosterone, such as zinc, or zinc minerals such as oysters.

2. Estrogen (Estrogen)

is the female hormone produced from ovaries and make women’s body characteristics grow Being more feminine, such as having breasts, wide hips, better skin, is related to menstruation, egg production, ovulation, and helps with muscle and bone function. If estrogen is reduced Especially women who go through menopause between the ages of 45-50 years are at an increased risk of thinning the bones. because bone mass is reduced weak muscles and have symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes

how to increase hormone levels

Eat foods high in estrogen, such as coconut water, soybeans, soy milk, but they cannot be eaten in large quantities to replace hormones.

8 important hormones in the body  to get to know and deal with

3. Progesterone

It’s a pregnancy hormone. Most are higher during pregnancy or menstruation. Get ready to give the eggs that have been obtained from the sperm and then implant them. Progesterone can be secreted by the ovaries and adrenal glands. This hormone stimulates the lining of the uterus to thicken. During the menstrual cycle, the uterine lining thickens, preparing for the implantation of the embryo in pregnancy. Without implantation of the embryo, progesterone levels are reduced. The endometrium will peel off during menstruation. If there is a pregnancy, progesterone will remain high. Prevent the contraction of the uterus and remain high throughout the pregnancy.

The hormones in the body mentioned is a natural substance that the body can synthesize itself Can stimulate hormone production and maintain hormonal balance by adjusting behavior such as getting enough rest. And eating a complete diet of 5 groups because most hormones are related to lifestyle habits. and synthesized from the nutrients that we eat Therefore, we should eat all 3 meals and should not skip any meal. If done regularly, it can maintain hormonal balance and help you stay away from disease.

Thank you health information from Phyathai 2 Hospital

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