Heat waves: the tricks to stay hydrated (not just with water)

by time news

When temperatures start to rise, it is not always easy to assess the amount of fluid the body is losing. When it is very hot, the body releases liquids through the sweatbut even if the climate is humid, it can be complicated to understand how much sweat the body is producing since, precisely because of the humidity, it does not evaporate, but accumulates on the skin, failing its function of cool the body (with the risk of suffering from heat stroke). When you are thirsty you always have to drink. Better waterbut if it is difficult to be satisfied with simple water, you can also opt for other drinks, which are also effective in providing liquids to the body. Milk, centrifuged, tea, sports drinks (which also contain mineral salts) they are very useful for keeping hydrated. However, it should not be forgotten that carbonated drinks and juices are rich in sugars which, while performing the function of hydration, can have different consequences on health (obesity, diabetes, etc.)

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