Was it a slip of the tongue or an announcement by Biden that he had cancer?

by time news

US President Joe Biden said yesterday, Wednesday, that he had cancer, and raised doubts about whether the announcement was a new slip of the tongue from the 79-year-old and 8-month-old, or it was an official announcement from him that he had the most insidious disease.

Biden, who appears in the video below, was talking about the health effects of emissions from oil refineries near his childhood home in Claymont, Delaware and during a speech about global warming in Massachusetts. They have cancer, which explains why Delaware has one of the highest rates of cancer in the country.”

And soon, White House spokesman, Andrew Bates, re-published a tweet to a journalist from the American newspaper “Washington Post”, including a health report on Biden, issued last November, and in which it indicated that he was suffering from “non-melanoma” skin cancers before taking office, And he “removed many of them”, according to the report from his personal physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, who confirmed “there are no areas suspected of having skin cancer at this time”, meaning last November.

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