Why is Russia infatuated with Greta Thunberg?

by time news

The Russian media close to power seem to have all suddenly remembered the existence of Greta Thunberg, the famous Swedish environmental activist, for whom they nevertheless had little esteem a few days ago. Why ?

According to headlines on the Russian Web and news flashes on television, Greta Thunberg has recently spoken “against Sweden joining the Atlantic Alliance (NATO)”, according Gazeta.ru. And would even have become “an enemy of NATO”, add 360.tv.

Suddenly, this interest becomes more logical: since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, NATO has become the great – and main – enemy of Russia, according to Kremlin propaganda. And the recent application for membership by two traditionally neutral countries, Sweden and Finland, which moreover share a long land border with Russia, has only fueled the conviction that the Alliance is constantly drawing closer to the country, a sentiment that largely caused the war with Ukraine – at least according to the official rhetoric.


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