Proper management approval from Maccabi Bnei Reina was denied

by time news

Gidi Lipkin

Bnei Reina fans (Lilach Weiss-Rosenberg)

Bnei Reina fans (Lilach Weiss-Rosenberg)

Proper management approval for 2022 of the Maccabi Bnei Reina football team (the association for the promotion of sports and youth in Reina AR) was denied by the Registrar of Associations unit. According to the law, this affected the ability to supervise its conduct.

The association did not comply with the requirements of the unit of the Registrar of Associations in the Corporations Authority, to provide it with information and documents, by virtue of the powers given to it under the Associations Law, thereby impairing the unit’s ability to monitor its conduct. The association manages the Maccabi Bnei Reina team, which is expected to play in the Premier League in football next season. Denying a proper management certificate means, among other things, that the association will not be able to receive support from public bodies (government ministries, the Toto, the local authority) or other associations (such as the Football Association or the Maccabi Center). Additional benefits granted to the association, including tax benefits, may also be denied.

The supervision carried out by the unit of the Registrar of Associations in the Corporations Authority is intended to check the compliance of associations and companies for the benefit of the public with the provisions of the law and the guidelines of the Register of Associations. This type of supervision examines, among other things, whether the association fulfills its goals and whether all its assets and funds are used solely for the purpose of promoting these goals, and not for foreign purposes or for distributing profits and smuggling assets into private hands. The supervision carried out by the Registrar of Associations unit is intended to increase public confidence in the non-profit and non-profit sector and strengthen this sector.

More The edges of the onyx stonesThe Registrar of Associations and the head of the Corporations Authority: “Non-compliant associations impair our ability to monitor their conduct effectively, and ensure that they work for the promotion of the public interest and the preservation of public funds, for the benefit of the public benefiting from the association’s activities. The public in the entire third sector will not enjoy proper management approval. “

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