The Kremlin accuses Westerners of being at the origin of the “technical problems” of gas delivery…

by time news

11:50 a.m .: Moscow accuses kyiv of having fired on the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant

Fear was global in March, when the Russian army opened fire on the site during its assault. And now the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine is making headlines again. Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, accuses Ukrainian forces of carrying out a drone strike on Monday “a few tens of meters from structures vital to the safety of the plant, a tank of spent nuclear fuel and the cooling tank of a reactor”. Knowing that last week, it was the Ukrainian nuclear energy operator, Energoatom, who accused the Russian army of having installed missile launchers on the site. To refresh your memory on the plant in question, it’s here:

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