Bank Hapoalim is back on the air, but it is still too early to judge the performance of the campaign

by time news

Mizrahi Tefahot Bank and Discount Bank continue to maintain an intense presence in the air, with invested campaigns gaining remembrance and sympathy. This week they are joined by Bank Hapoalim, which has been absent from the air for several weeks for redeployment.

The workers’ new campaign uses two motifs that led it as part of the new language launched before MespR months – The relatively new presenter Amos Tamam, and the branding of the “professionals” that the bank appropriates for itself. This time the two motifs come together to support a product offer, which addresses the economic concern that accompanies consumers these days. Tamm is accompanied here by comedian Eli Finish, in a minimalist production that tries to fulfill the content of the great promises that have been aired.

Since this is a new campaign, it is still difficult to judge the results by the prism of the memory and favorite index, and it is likely that next week it will be easier to measure this. In any case, assuming that the bank continues with this line, the advertising language – which has so far been swallowed up in the tangle of grandiose productions and the large number of presenters – may sharpen.

Recall that last week Mizrahi Tefahot Bank came up with a new film, which once again puts at the forefront its advantage as a bank for which humanity is a central value. This is while presenting frustrating situations that consumers of other banks encounter, due to dealing with technological means. The campaign receives high percentages of remembrance, as well as high percentages of sympathy. Discount Bank is also not going off the air for a moment, and the persistence alongside a considerable financial investment make the advertisement most memorable this week.

Mizrahi Tefahot's campaign / Photo: Screenshot

Mizrahi Tefahot’s campaign / Photo: Screenshot

Although financial investment and a constant presence in the media are an important factor in being able to screw up in the rankings of loved ones, the Shufersal advertisement this week proves once again that this is not always enough. Shufersal continues the advertising line of recent months, according to which all customers receive good service and not just the celebrities.

This time, the video stars Ofer Schechter, who receives home delivery of products for the child, and while absurd and extreme situations that strive to be funny, he tries to understand from the courier how the fact that he sells contributed to the successful service. Despite the relevance of using Schechter who recently got married and it was announced that he is expecting a child, at this point the advertisement does not prove itself in the rankings.

Unlike Shufersal’s advertisement, this week it was again possible to learn how the relevance of a message and proper use during public relations yields ads that exceed the ads that create another advertisement in the commercial break. This is a joint move by the Orot Association and the “Circus” advertising agency, with singer Anna Zack.

Recall that Zack’s song “Who’s It” included the singer’s phone number, which she stopped using after the song’s launch, but the number remained her. Orot received the number from Mazek, so that homeless children can call it. It’s hard to overstate the intensity of the media response that the revelation of the move on Zack’s Instagram account caused this week. There was no media that did not address this, and commercial companies even independently approached the association with offers of help.

The adults and the educated with Bendek
The advertisement for Mizrahi Tefahot is especially popular among those aged 55 and over, with a higher education.

Not for young people
The advertisement for Discount Bank is popular among those aged 35 and over.

Invest less
This week, there was a decrease in investment in advertising, from NIS 39 million to NIS 36 million.

Bezeq campaign with

Bezeq campaign with “Star Coupe” stars / Photo: Screenshot

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