Spain rebels against Von der Leyen’s demand to reduce gas consumption

by time news

“Save gas, to have a safe Winter”. It is with this type of formula, in English, that the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, presented her last ukase to all the Member States, without this measure having been passed by the Council of Europe. Europe, even less by the European Parliament. If usually in the face of the centralized authoritarianism of Brussels, the rebellion comes from countries like Poland or Hungary, this time, the rumble came from where it was least expected: Spain. One of the states that treats community authorities with the most deference. So much so that at the slightest problem between the complex system of Hispanic autonomy, or even when it comes to arbitrating any political conflict of a certain dimension, there is a sort of “I will go tell it to Brussels”, with the European Union and its various institutions acting as a tutelary power.

Brussels wants all the countries of the Union to reduce their fuel consumption by 15% between August 2022 and March 2023. This measure affects all industrial sectors, except those designated as strategic by the Commission. And, it was through the voice of Teresa Ribera, Third Vice-President of the Government and Minister in charge of the Ecological Transition, that the “no pasaran” fell yesterday. And not just anyhow. In unusually sharp terms, Ribera claimed that gas consumption restrictions “ will not apply to any type of consumer “. Spain will not support the contingency measures proposed by the European Commission: ” Whatever happens, Spanish families will not experience gas or electricity cuts in their homes “, she assured. The Spanish government criticizes the form and substance of the measure. In particular, the lack of consultation: ” We cannot assume such a disproportionate sacrifice on a subject on which we have not been asked our opinion beforehand. “. Ribera underlined that Spain stands in solidarity with European values, ” but not at the cost of domestic and industrial consumers, who have long been paying very high bills and deserve neither rationing nor restrictions. »

These 15% are calculated on the basis of the average national consumption over the last five years. The Commission is also demanding, in order to overcome the sanctions against Russia and energy self-sabotage, that the Union’s underground stock reaches 80% capacity, before 1is november. Reserves which are now around 65%, according to the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson. If Russia closes the energy keys, again according to Simson, ” the fall in GDP for the entire bloc would fall by 1.5% “. What some believe is still a fairly optimistic forecast in view of the almost total blockage of an economy as central as Germany and the domino effect, not only regional but also global.

It’s necessary ” discuss in an open, transparent, and respectful way, the best way to support each other Ribera continued. ” Yes, I think we have to bet on savings and efficiency and, yes, I think we have to find out how it is possible to substitute consumption with others. But we do not consider the hypothesis of restrictions to any type of consumer “. The Spaniards have made significant efforts in terms of investment in regasification infrastructure, and, although they too have shot themselves in the foot, through the breach of the confidence contract with Algeria, their main gas supplier, Spain, remains a capital source for the re-export of gas, among others to France. These restrictions imposed in a linear manner on all Member States regardless of their sources of supply, is illegible for the countries of southern Europe. That they are asked to pay for the consequences of the dependence of the strong countries of the European Union, such as Germany, Finland, Austria vis-à-vis Russia, is not about to pass . Ursula von der Leyen represents on this file not only the voice of Germany, that of the failure of the “green transition”, that of the dystopias of rich countries, in addition to that of the arsonist firefighter. She will now have to deal with this precedent of rebellion from a government that she cannot brand as far right or “conspiratorial”. A government that follows and sometimes precedes it in all its other adventures. A front has opened up in her own camp, which fleshes out those who see her as the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Next Tuesday, the measure should be voted on by the ambassadors, as part of the Energy Summit meeting in Brussels. In the event of a simple majority, the restrictions would become binding on all States.

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