At the age of 97: The elder of the directors of the orphanage passed away

by time news

The late Rabbi Moshe Halevi, the mythological director of Talmud Torah 5764 – Hazon Ish, in Bnei Brak, died at the age of 97. The oldest educational director in the Holy Land who raised generations of students and served as director for 64 years. His funeral this morning in Bnei Brak

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: At the Maayan Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak, he passed away last night (Friday) in Shiva Tova, the oldest director in the Haredi community, the late Rabbi Moshe Halevi, founder and director of Talmud Torah Tishbar in Bnei Brak for decades 97 at his death.

The late Rabbi Moshe Halevi was born in Germany on the 8th of Iyar 1855, to his father, the late Rabbi Shmuel Halevi, the grandson of the late Jewish historian Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevi (Rabinowitz), one of the founders of Agudat Israel in Europe.

In his election he studied at the Ponivez Yeshiva, where he acquired his teachings from the rabbis’ chiefs and rabbis. When he reached his age, he married his wife, Mrs. Yocheved.

In 1969 he established the Hyder together with The Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Elazar Tzadok Torchin, one of the greatest Torah and awe in Bnei Brak, one of the most distinguished students of Maran Hachazon Ish Zatzokal, Shona Halachot. And ‘Little Gift’, Talmud HaTorah was founded In the house of Maran HaChazon Ish and later, additional floors were built in his room for TT who did not take money from the state for many years, but in recent years began to take money from the state on the instructions of Maran Minister of Torah Garach Kanievsky.

The late R. Moshe Halevi was a legend of a manager, the children in Hyder trembled and respected him even in recent years when he managed the Hyder with devotion from the heights of his age, even though it was already difficult for him to walk with devotion to Hyder at Beit Maran Hazon Ish located on Hazon Ish Street.

One of the students tells Behadrei Haredim about his character: “The principal would pray in the lunar bridal synagogue. “Sitting next to him in the kollel, he was very devoted to Hyder, he cared very much for the children to succeed, he was very involved with the parents, and knew all the children. In Hyder, thousands of children studied. .

For 64 years he educated tens of thousands of children in the way of Israel Saba, in education on the purity of the Holy without receiving budgets from the state until as stated in recent years. During his years as director of the Hyder, another building was developed for him on Rabbi Landa Street.

Rabbi Moshe Halevi, the late Rabbi, has not left his home since the outbreak of the corona plague in the first wave. Wasserman in Bnei Brak. The principal, Rabbi Halevi, was happy with the arrival of the children with special kindness and a river was on his face.

In recent years he has weakened, and has recently been hospitalized, where he died tonight to his funeral home.

He left behind a blessed righteous generation, 11 children, four sons and seven daughters and dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His son, Rabbi Shmuel Halevi, will continue to fill his place as director of Talmud Torah Tishbar.

Funeral procession today (Friday, the eve of Shabbat Kodesh, Parshas Matot) at 10.30 in the morning, from Talmud Torah Tishbar on Hazon Ish Street in Bnei Brak, to Beit HaChaim Ponivez, where Whitman.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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