Weekly Horoscope: Scorpios – Not Easy Days in Relationships

by time news
Aries (Photo: No Credit)


The romantic realm is surprising, and creativity is growing. Take advantage of the coming week to get yourself published, each in his own place, because you can succeed. In the economic field you need patience, not everything works out the way you want.

On Saturday afternoon until Monday there will be events in the immediate area; Tuesday to Thursday will be sensitive and intimate days with the family, the family relationship is strengthened but you are required to set clear boundaries.

Taurus (Photo: No Credit)Taurus (Photo: No Credit)


Mars and Uranus in your luck do not give you rest. You feel restlessness and nervousness, a desire and urge to change and move yet reality does not allow you to carry out your desires. The opportunity to realize them will yet come. The moon in your luck on Friday-Saturday will cause high sensitivity and increase restlessness and nervousness. On Saturday afternoons until Monday there will be events that could bring opportunities for economic strengthening, possibly through acquaintances; On Tuesday to Thursday you will feel a high sensitivity in the relationship with the immediate environment.

Gemini (Photo: No Credit)Gemini (Photo: No Credit)


You feel restlessness and nervousness, which may accompany a feeling of heaviness in the coming week. You go through a deep inner cleansing and release of old and stuck energy. Be patient. On Friday-Saturday the sensitivity will even increase, try not to seek your peace outside.
The moon in your luck on Saturday afternoon until Monday may bring with it lightness. Try not to overload yourself with events, and avoid unnecessary thoughts. From Tuesday to Thursday, economic matters will keep you busy. Economize your steps and be focused.

Cancer (Photo: No Credit)Cancer (Photo: No Credit)


Venus in your luck overflows with charm and sensitivity. You have a tendency to lose boundaries in a close relationship but you should keep them and not waste energy on anyone. Falling in love may be free between you.
Friday-Saturday will be sensitive in social matters; On Saturday afternoon until Monday you will feel restless. The moon in your luck on Tuesday to Thursday will cause extraordinary sensitivity, try to keep clear boundaries in a close relationship.

Leo (Photo: No Credit)Leo (Photo: No Credit)


Your career keeps you busy and draws a lot of energy from you. You feel the need to move but have difficulty acting. Friday-Saturday are expected to be career-sensitive.
On Saturday afternoon until two interactions and social events are expected; Tuesdays to Thursdays are likely to be sensitive, do not take everything personally. The Lunar New Year in Leo on Thursday afternoon-evening will open a powerful month, where you will have the opportunity to connect with yourself.

Virgo (Photo: No Credit)Virgo (Photo: No Credit)


You are going through a process of changing beliefs and worldviews. The cleaning process causes restlessness and difficulty. Try not to get stuck, not to get stuck and stay open to new experiences.

On Friday-Saturday you will feel nervous and restless, try not to try to understand everything through the mind. Saturday afternoon through Monday there will be interactions and career events; Tuesdays to Thursdays are likely to be sensitive in social matters.

Libra (Photo: No Credit)Libra (Photo: No Credit)


Your presence is noticeable and your influence has increased. You have opportunities for relationships and partnerships if you set clear boundaries for the other side. On Friday-Saturday you will feel restless and want to move things but will have a hard time doing so. The profound changes that are taking place will be reflected later.
Saturday afternoons to two are expected to be light and fun, good for trips overseas and / or studies. Tuesday through Thursday you will be required to set boundaries in career-related relationships.

Scorpio (Photo: No Credit)Scorpio (Photo: No Credit)


Not easy days in relationships: You need change but you can not act right now. Stubbornness will not help but will only draw energy from you. Be patient despite the difficulty, the stress will calm down in the coming weeks. There is a tendency for anger and outbursts with the couple.
Friday-Saturday are likely to be sensitive and explosive in relationships; On Saturday afternoon until Monday thoughts will arise and you will feel restlessness that will lead to enlightenment; Tuesday to Thursday you will feel high sensitivity, set boundaries so as not to waste energy.

Sagittarius (Photo: No Credit)Sagittarius (Photo: No Credit)


The work is difficult, you feel the need for change, but the situation is holding you back from moving forward and taking action. Be patient, things will be released in the coming weeks. Friday-Saturday are expected to be challenging at work or in the health field. Saturday afternoons to two are likely to be interesting in relationships, there may be interactions and events that will strengthen them.
Tuesdays to Thursdays are likely to be sensitive in intimate relationships; From Thursday afternoon you will feel relieved, you should start organizing a trip overseas or another expansive experience.

Capricorn (Photo: without credit)Capricorn (Photo: without credit)


Relationships are sensitive. You want to act and express yourself but feel it is not possible, be patient, it will come.
On Friday-Saturday, unrest is expected in the romantic realm; Tuesday through Thursday are likely to be sensitive in relationships, set boundaries.

Aquarius (Photo: No Credit)Aquarius (Photo: No Credit)


This week begins a dramatic month in the relationship. Restlessness and nervousness at home and in the family. Change is required but you are not allowed to act so you feel bound.
Saturday afternoons to Mondays are expected to be good for self-fulfillment and romance, and interesting interactions will be possible; Tuesday through Thursday are likely to be sensitive at work or in health.

Pisces (Photo: no credit)Pisces (Photo: no credit)


This week may be romantic with opportunities to fall in love with singles. Stay connected to the ground, because you have a tendency not to see reality clearly. Despite your giving, you should set boundaries. Your presence and influence at work are strengthened, do not be afraid to express yourself.
Friday-Saturday are expected to be challenging in the immediate area; Saturday afternoon through Monday there will be good communication at home and among the family; Tuesdays to Thursdays are expected to be romantic.

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