North State Workers Profile Collection: Labor Department Launches New Portal

by time news
Tirupur: The Labor Department has announced that it has launched the facility to register details of North State workers in Tirupur district.

People from various districts of Tamil Nadu and people from 21 states live in Tirupur district. Being ready to work without awareness of legal protection, northerners are mostly recruited through middlemen.

Such persons are not thoroughly investigated and identity documents are not obtained. Criminal background is also not inquired about. Local bodies, including panchayat administrations, do not maintain foreign labor registers.

What to do?

At the time of entry into the state, details including Aadhaar of the North State worker should be obtained. At an area like a railway station, the arrival of foreigners should be registered with ‘biometric’ verification.
In panchayats, registers of common people should be maintained and details of North State workers should be recorded and maintained. Details of factories, houses etc. should also be recorded.

Police approved labor profile should be maintained on public website, along with details including Aadhaar. Public website should be coordinated at division, district, state level.

Considering the safety of employment and residential areas, the criminal background should be investigated. In this regard, the public has demanded that the revenue department, labor department, police and rural development department should be coordinated and take appropriate measures.

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Labor ‘Portal’

Meanwhile, a report by Joint Director of Occupational Safety and Health Pugahendi to the Anti-Corruption and Legal Protection Committee details:
To register the details of foreign workers, on behalf of the Tamil Nadu Government’s Labor Department, we obtain and register eight types of details. The details are collected through the website

So far, details of 56,630 workers have been collected in Tirupur district. We have spoken to the factory managements and advised them to upload the details of North State workers through the website.
This is what he said in it.

Due to the increase in crimes and the modern way criminals operate, the true nature of the North State worker should be known and hired only after proper verification.

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