The National Assembly passed the ’emergency’ bill for purchasing power, after heated debates

by time news

The deputies voted on the night of Thursday to Friday the bill “on emergency measures for the protection of purchasing power”. A text on which 341 elected officials voted for, and 116 against.

Started on Monday, the examination of this bill has given rise to sometimes heated debates, particularly around energy issues. A little earlier in the week, several measures had already been adopted by parliamentarians, such as the increase in the ceiling of the Macron bonus, the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance or the revaluation of 4% of pensions and social benefits.

If some aid depends on the status or personal situation of the person, the vast majority of French people should benefit from a boost. The tariff shield on gas and electricity, which should be extended, has thus made it possible to limit the increase in electricity prices to 4% (instead of 35%) and to block those of gas which have soared by 50%. In addition, most households should benefit from the elimination of the audiovisual license fee promised during the presidential campaign.

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