Parasporter Diede: ‘I don’t count calories’ | Stories behind the news

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What does your lifestyle look like?

“A large part of my life consists of sports. I play wheelchair tennis at a professional level and am in a wheelchair because I have a prosthesis on my leg. I usually play tennis five to six days a week. On an average day, I get up at 7 in the morning, have two sessions of two hours of tennis each, and then I work out at the gym. My weekdays are usually very busy, so on the weekends I try to relax and clear my head.

I don’t really follow a diet. I try to make healthy and conscious choices. For example, smoking is a no-go for me, I don’t drink soft drinks and I eat almost no meat, mainly for the environment and animal welfare. In the winter I occasionally take a vitamin supplement, but I actually try to get all my nutrients and vitamins from my food.

I also drink little to no alcohol. Maybe I drink a total of two glasses a year, for example during a party or on a holiday. Fortunately, my environment does not mind this and is not surprised if I decline a glass of alcohol. They know what I do, what my goals are and fully support them.

I notice that if I drink a glass once, I quickly get problems with my stomach. That’s probably because I drink it so little and my body isn’t used to it, but that’s also one of the reasons my alcohol consumption is minimal.

How do you maintain your lifestyle?

I usually use the 80 20 ‘rule’. This means that as long as I get 80 percent of vitamins and good substances, there is occasionally room for a biscuit or something else that is less healthy. I don’t count calories, because there is a chance that you will go overboard. I eat by feel. When I’ve trained a bit harder on a day, I feel that my body needs more nutrition than on a quiet day. In this way I maintain my lifestyle and I also enjoy it.

What is your pitfall?

I don’t really have a problem with food. I have a good idea of ​​what to eat and when to stop. Of course it sometimes happens that I have eaten a bit more during Christmas or during New Year’s Eve, but I don’t think this is a problem as long as my diet is well balanced.

In terms of sports, I find it more difficult to find the right balance. Sometimes I want to go too hard and play too much tennis and because of that I can lose the balance between work and rest. This is definitely something I need to work on.

Do you inspire others?

As a parasporter I try to be an inspiration to other people with disabilities. I think it is important that more and more people see what is possible and that you can also easily have a healthy and fit lifestyle, despite your disability. I myself have fully accepted my disability. I recently joined the Parastars, the team with top parasporters and we try to get this message out together.

What is your golden tip for a healthy lifestyle?

Make sure you have a good balance in your lifestyle and be comfortable with it too. Occasionally snacking is allowed, even top athletes do that! Otherwise you will never last. As long as that balance is there.”

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