Luca Serianni, who was the linguist in the service of the Italian who died at 74-

by time news
from Paolo Conti

Lecturer at Sapienza University, vice president of Dante Alighieri, he was the author of a grammar published in numerous editions. he was an intellectual always animated by generous passion and a sense of institutions

The great linguist Luca Serianni
died Thursday 21 July in Rome. He was hospitalized at the San Camillo hospital, after he was hit by a car in Ostia on July 18, while crossing the pedestrian crossing. Serianni was born in Rome on October 30, 1947 and was 74 years old. Below, a portrait of the distinguished scholar. Here the memory of the linguist Giuseppe Antonelli.

On Wednesday 14 June 2017, Luca Serianni, a great linguist and philologist, leaves active teaching at the Sapienza of Rome and this is how he addresses his last year students in the Aula Magna of Letters: I had, in my work, as a reference the second paragraph of Article 54 of the Constitution which says: “Citizens to whom public functions are entrusted have the duty to fulfill them with discipline and honor “. This is why I asked my students: “Do you know what you represent for me? You represent the state…. ” I hope that this statement will leave a trace of itself in how many, one day, were to hold public office. It is not up to me here to establish whether I have fulfilled the constitutional precept….

At the moment of farewell to one of the greatest contemporary Italian linguists, it is right to remember him not only for his many and objective merits as a scholar and as a teacher of generations of students of the discipline, but also as a professor linked to institutions, animated by a sense not as much of the simple duty as, above all, of the search for social cohesion through the Italian language and showing a rare example of a teacher who is very attentive to students and colleagues.

Serianni, born in Rome in 1947, emeritus professor of History of the Italian language at La Sapienza after long years of militant teaching, he was vice president of the Dante Alighieri Society (to which he was very attached precisely for his statutory purpose of spreading the Italian language in the world), ordinary member of the Casa di Dante in Rome, academic of the Crusca, member of the Accademia dei Lincei, academician of Arcadia and member of numerous other national academies and cultural institutes. Because of his international prestige, he was a doctor Honorary of the Spanish Universities of Valladolid and of Athens. He was author of a successful grammar, published in numerous editions over the years. With Maurizio Trifone he has edited, since 2004, the Devoto Oli-Vocabulary of the Italian language
. With Pietro Trifone he cured one History of the Italian language
in three volumes.

Recently Serianni was coordinating the overall project of the newborn with passion and great satisfaction Mundi, the National Museum of the Italian language opened in Florence in the Santa Maria Novella complex. A cultural dream that Serianni pursued since 2003 with the exhibition set up in Florence, Where the s sounds
. And president of the Lincei foundation for schools for years he had been accepting invitations to many institutes throughout the country to talk about language and literature. In particular at the Dante Alighieri Society he was engaged in the promotion of Italian abroad and always for the Society he directed IOM, the Observatory of Italianisms in the world.

Serianni leaves a great and sincere regret in the different generations of students he has formed, among colleagues who have always found in him full collaboration, team spirit, availability

July 21, 2022 (change July 21, 2022 | 19:58)

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