The bosses want a proactive Medef on the ecological transition

by time news
The president of Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. ERIC PIERMONT/AFP

Business leaders change priorities, according to an Opinion Way barometer on the image of the employers’ organization.

For years, when business leaders were asked what they expected from Medef, the same answer was repeated: the fight should be about lowering taxes. This is no longer the priority today, reveals the sixth wave of the Opinion Way barometer on the image of the employers’ organization.

From now on, almost half of the leaders – a figure up 25% in one year – want the Medef to make proposals above all on the ecological transition. Companies know that it will cost them dearly, but also that they cannot cut it. “There are no more climate skeptics among the bosses. Today our employees, but also more and more often our shareholders and our investors, demand not only commitments, but also actions.recently indicated Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, the president of Medef.

A positive outlook

The image of the employers’ organization – which is currently preparing its back-to-school university, on August 29 and 30, with the central theme “Euro Visions” – also seems to be changing. Some 80% of business leaders have a good opinion of Medef, a figure up 15% since 2019, notes OpinionWay. But what marks more is that 53% of French people as a whole have a positive view of it. A proportion also up 14% since 2019.

At its head for four years, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux can only be satisfied with the answers given. “Listening to Business Leaders” for 79% of them (+ 19% in three years), “open to social dialogue” for 74% (+ 9% in three years), “clear in its positions” for 78% (+ 20% in three years), “useful and effective in defending the interests of companies” for 80% (+ 26% in three years)… Do not throw any more!

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