US researches to define long covid symptoms, believes it will find a better cure | Health Insights

by time news

US launches world’s largest research project To find the true definition of Long Covid symptoms, it is believed that better treatments will be available to patients now.

US National Institutes of Health The world’s largest ever post-coronavirus study will be conducted to study the symptoms of COVID-19 With nearly 40,000 volunteers suffering from COVID-19 to understand the unexplained symptoms of the cause. and the exact definition of Long Covid symptoms, with an investment of more than $1.15 billion in research. The project, called Recover, will begin research later this year. Patients with Long Covid symptoms were followed up for four years. Compared to coronavirus patients without Long Covid asymptomatic in order to clearly indicate long-term covid symptoms. and find the true cause of such symptoms

In a previous study published in The Lancet Journal last year found more than 200 Long Covid symptoms in 10 organ systems. which such research project It is a research with very high expectations. especially the investment budget scope of breadth and depth of research This is rare in other research studies. The results of the research will play an important role in the development of diagnosis and finding the right treatment for Long Covid patients

Dr Walter Korosche, who is a committee on the Recover project, said the post-coronavirus study will cover all issues to provide a definitive answer. however Such research remains challenging. Because it is not easy to come to a conclusion. Symptoms that occur after most coronavirus infections Often the main symptoms are fatigue. Initially, the recovery program will begin with 17,000 adult volunteers by September and more than 20,000 children by the end of the year. and mobilizing more than 30 researchers, both from universities and medical institutions across the country to participate in such research projects by this week 5,317 volunteers were included in the adult sample and 269 in the pediatric sample. or that accounts for 15% of the number of nearly 40,000 volunteers.

National Institutes of Health There are also plans to study clinical trial Dr Gary Gibbons, director of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, said the National Institutes of Health is in talks with drug companies to study antiviral drugs that could treat Long Covid symptoms. There are many companies that have highly effective precursors for treatment. But it has not been approved for use by the FDA. This cooperation is likely to have tangible results within the next few months. Because many companies have shown interest in participating in such research projects. However, he said The project still needs additional government funding. This may exceed the initial government-approved budget of $1.15 billion.

Although people generally call the symptoms that occur after being sick with Covid as Long Covid symptoms, but in medicine, they use the term The aftermath of the post-acute sequelae of COVID (PASC), which researchers believe is not just the disease itself. But it is a disease that affects various organ systems in the body. Scientists still don’t know how the virus can cause symptoms. which occurs several months after infection and only occur in certain people And what are the main factors that cause such symptoms?

Dr. David Prutino, Director of the Institute for Rehabilitation Innovations of the Mount Senai health system in New York. Each person’s immune system is different. This makes the response to the virus different. Many of the patients treated for Long Covid had symptoms similar to neurological injuries, such as decreased speech fluency. Decreased efficiency in planning for daily use Irregular heartbeats, cramps, and anxiety He also said that about 60 percent of the patients who came in for treatment had difficulty returning to work. which resulted in having to resign from a full-time job to work part-time instead early retirement or even unemployed Most patients say their quality of life has deteriorated from Long Covid symptoms.

from research results The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that of nearly 2 million patients, 1 in 5 patients in the age group 18-64 and 1 in 4 in patients 65 and over will have symptoms associated with Long Covid. say is correct It can be assessed that Millions of patients in America have symptoms related to Long Covid.

Dr Prutino added: As an answer to Long Covid symptoms is not yet available, doctors still do not have a specific way to diagnose the condition. The treatment will be based on the symptoms that occur with the patient. which still cannot enter the treatment point that causes the disease Which scientists need a clear answer for appropriate treatment in the future. The study will have a control group. which means a group of volunteers who have not been infected with COVID To allow researchers to clearly distinguish symptoms that occur among infected people.

The volunteers will be tested in the laboratory. physical assessment Searching for symptoms and collecting data on other health factors while some An electrocardiogram will be performed. MRI brain scans and CT scans, among others, are also studying tissue samples from those who died from the coronavirus.

Source: U.S. scientists enroll nearly 40,000 patients in high-stakes, $1.2 billion study of long Covid,


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