Job interview: 6 original questions to ask to make a difference

by time news

Each job interview allows candidates to ask questions to the recruiter and it is a privileged moment which also aims to show your interest in the company. However, most candidates neglect it or do not ask the right questions. Adeline Méchain, HR expert at the MERCATO DE L’EMPLOI (national network of independent recruiters), gives you 6 original questions to ask in order to make a difference in the interview… and above all to find out more about the company!

What are the questions to ask about the position itself?

First, “why is this position open?” “. This is an obvious question since it is the reason for your interview. Yet it is often overlooked. Is the company expanding to conquer a new market? Has the previous employee resigned? Was he fired? It is essential to understand why the company decided to open this position. This will shed a little more light on the balance of forces within the structure that you could integrate.

Then, “How many people in this position have been promoted to higher internal positions?” It’s a roundabout question to know if you will have a chance to evolve within the company. Development prospects must be a central element in motivating your choice as a candidate. This is essential before committing to any business. Are people in this position promoted internally? Or do they have to go elsewhere to progress? These are all clues to consider.

This is also the time to talk about the company… What do you recommend?

To ask “what’s the most unexpected thing you’ve learned working here?” »! This question is bold and surprising. Most recruiters or “operatives” are not prepared for this question and it encourages them to share unique experiences they have had. It can enlighten you on your decision to accept the position. It will also show your temperament and your voluntarism.

Also, one can ask the following question: “who would not be well suited for this company? The current context of recruitment difficulties for companies indicates that the candidate also has the power to choose. Flipping the script can also give you a lot of information. This question pushes the recruiter to think of character traits that do not correspond to their corporate culture…

Finally, do you recommend mentioning the objectives?

Yes and in particular “What objectives has your manager set for you for the next 6 months? How can this hire help you reach them? Everyone wants to make a “good impression” in front of their manager. Including the one who is facing you during the interview. Show that you understand it and that it will be a priority. It’s a great way to make a strong impression. This will also allow you to project yourself into the future position.

Finally, don’t hesitate to ask for an explanation of “the roadmap and projections for the next 12 months? » Before you want to join a job, you need to know more about the company and its development plan. Of course, you can find out before you interview, but HR or ‘operations’ should be able to provide you with current numbers, projections and a clear vision for the future. These elements will allow you to know if you want to “embark” on this project.

Most interviews only allow 5-10 minutes for questions. This gives you time to ask 2 or even 3 questions. Before your next interview, review this list and choose 3 “must have” questions and 2 or 3 “must ask” questions if you have time. The objective is to come out of the interview with a clear vision of the position and its promises…

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