National Assembly: for Aurore Bergé, the “sectarianism” of the left serves the RN

by time news

She didn’t like it. The president of the Renaissance deputies (Ex-LREM) Aurore Bergé criticized the left on Friday for its “sectarianism” in the National Assembly which, according to her, “serves on a plate” the strategy of “respectability” of the National Rally, which has passed the “emergency” bill in favor of purchasing power.

The deputy of Yvelines noted on France 2 an “extremely striking contrast when one sits in the National Assembly” between “the Nupes, the alliance of the left and in particular the rebellious France” and “the National Rally”. “There are those who are in a permanent logic of obstruction, of sectarianism, also violent in their expressions, and there are those who seek to acquire a new respectability, a notabilisation”, she estimated.

“The problem is that the left serves the respectability of the National Rally on a plate because the more vindictive it is, the more sectarian it is, the more violent it is, the more the RN, one has the impression that they become frequentable and respectable, ”accused Ms. Bergé.

“Declaration of war on wages”

“Our responsibility is to go and confront them, on the substance of the subjects, on the values, the first bill that I tabled is on the fact of constitutionalizing abortion and on that I believe that we will see very clearly the fault lines with the National Rally, ”she assured.

On the other hand, “if the implicit question posed by the left is to say that a bill should be withdrawn from discussion because it could be adopted by the votes of other deputies, these deputies have been elected, they were elected by the French, ”she replied of the vote of the RN deputies in favor of the bill.

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After four days of discussions and after a whole night of heated debates, the first major text of the legislature was voted on shortly before 6 a.m. Friday by 341 votes for, 116 against and 21 abstentions. It was adopted with the contribution of the votes of deputies from LR and RN who welcomed certain measures going “in the right direction”, while the left denounced a text akin to a “declaration of war on wages” .

The Socialist deputies mostly abstained, the other left-wing groups voting against.

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