Miri RGB against Blue and White: This is the dramatic move of the former Israelite

by time news

MK Miri Regev (‘Likud’) submitted a warning letter today (Sunday) before a libel suit against the Blue and White party, through her lawyers Zion Amir and Nir Lazar.

Among other things, Regev said in the interview: “I will not let them turn the truth into a lie, not everything is allowed in the elections, there are red lines, every election they attack me and try to hurt me. I will not let them hurt me and the Likud. We have stopped being silent.”

MK Regev: “If it’s up to me – we can stop Netanyahu’s trial during the elections”

The embarrassing mistake in MK Miri Regev’s tweet caused an uproar on social networks

The warning letter stated: “You have chosen to publish the following in your accounts: Miri Regev says what everyone knows – if Bibi gets 61, he will stop the trial. Here it is, your publication is false and a sin against the truth and its entire purpose is to humiliate the member of the Regev Knesset, to make her an object of hatred and contempt in the eyes of the electorate. Thus, you took her words out of context, and all for the benefit of your election campaign, and with the intention of harming our network and the Likud movement, and this without adhering to elementary rules of decency, integrity and above all – telling the truth.”

Regev also accused through her lawyers in the letter that the publication received many threads and was even distributed in SMS messages, thus intensifying the harm to her. “The publications constitute defamation in accordance with the Law on the Prohibition of Defamation,” according to her, and she demanded that Blue and White remove the publication, and apologize to her.

In an interview that Regev gave to Walla Studio this morning, she said that she supports stopping the trial of the chairman of her party Benjamin Netanyahu during the election period: “If it was up to me, the trial could be stopped. But by the way – this sentence only gives us strength today, because people see how bags are sewn, people see the studio party, people see Lapid’s central headquarters in Neve Ilan to run him to become prime minister.”

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