4 steps that will make your stainless steel sink shine like a mirror

by time news

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There is nothing more satisfying than a shiny sink, and with so many germs present, it’s an area worth properly sanitizing.

Do you want to know how to properly clean a stainless steel sink? Follow us.

Remove all food parts
Remove dishes and any bits of food from the opening, as leaving food can attract fruit flies and is the last thing you want hanging around the sink.

Wipe with the soft side of the sponge
Apply some washing up liquid to the soft side of a damp sponge and clean the entire sink, drainboard, hole, and faucets.

Rinse it off with warm water
After wiping the tub, rinse it well with warm water. Remove as much foam as possible and dry it with a cloth.

Polish the surfaces
For a streak-free finish, dry the sink with an extra absorbent microfiber cloth, we recommend finishing things up by spraying glass cleaner over the sink and wiping it with a thin tea towel or J-cloth to help it shine.

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