“Making work more sustainable during a career is a demanding path, but more promising than hitting the unemployed”

by time news

Ihere is at least one thing that cannot be blamed on the President of the Republic, which is to lack continuity in ideas. Everyone remembers his advice to an unemployed horticulturist, that all you have to do is cross the street to find work, a prelude to a tightening of the conditions for entering the unemployment benefit system.

After his July 14 remark against those who prefer “take advantage of national solidarity to reflect on their lives”a new tightening of unemployment insurance is clearly announced. ” We must go further “, assumes the head of state. For Emmanuel Macron, it is a question of applying the principle of communicating vessels: there are too many unemployed people who cost the community dearly on the one hand, and too many unfilled jobs on the other; by complicating the lives of the unemployed, we push them towards employment.

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This simplistic reasoning does not stand up to scrutiny of the available data. The management of research and studies and statistics (Dares) of the Ministry of Labor thus shows that recruitment difficulties are linked, among other things, to poor working conditions in sectors in tension (“What are the working conditions that contribute the most to recruitment difficulties in the private sector? Analyses no. 26, Dares, June 2022).

Difficult working conditions and low wages

“Employers who report that their employees are exposed to difficult working conditions are more likely (85%) to experience recruitment difficulties. Atypical or unpredictable hours as well as the difficulty of being able to do quality work are among the professional exposures most associated with recruitment difficulties., can you read there. The sectors most concerned are the agricultural and food industries, hotels-cafés-restaurants, transport, health and social action.

This state of affairs is recurrent. In a study dated October 2021, Dares reported that recruitment tensions in certain trades were explained by unattractive working conditions, in particular for home helpers, truck drivers, unskilled industrial workers. , certain skilled industrial and construction workers or waiters.

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For other trades, poor working conditions combined with a shortage of labor contribute to tensions. This is the case for catering trades (cooks, butchers, bakers) or nursing assistants. The study concluded: “The appeasement of recruitment difficulties (and the fall in unemployment) could therefore also go through the improvement of working conditions and/or the revaluation of wages in certain professions” (“What relationship between recruitment difficulties and unemployment rate?”).

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