The police demand a huge bond in the Beitar Y-M deal

by time news

Guy Ben Ziv

Home players

Beitar Jerusalem players (Radad Jabara)

While Barak Mavermov is conducting negotiations for the sale of Bnei Yehuda, he faces a new issue and a huge obstacle regarding the purchase of Beitar Jerusalem. The police, who announced that they will supervise the sale of the club, announced that they demand that the amount of money that Abramov is supposed to transfer to Singularites in the amount of approximately NIS 11 million or alternatively an asset of the same value, be transferred to the police as a guarantee and this in order to prevent a possible transfer of funds to Moshe Hogge.

The police decision makes the sale of the group from the capital very expensive and reaches a sum of approximately NIS 50 million. Beitar is preparing to appeal the decision and go to court to overturn the police’s order, after in recent days the club’s leaders and its representatives have dispelled optimism that the police matter will be resolved without any special problems.

As I recall, Abramov reached an understanding with Hogge about the purchase of the club, but since then things have stalled and many difficulties are piling up. Now it seems that another huge obstacle threatens the whole transaction and it is possible that once again Beitar will go backwards in regards to progress regarding its future, this when it has not yet passed the budget in the budgetary control and is trying to gain time.

A demonstration outside Moshe Hogge’s house

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