How to overcome high temperatures at the wheel

by time news

The summer of 2022 is registering very high temperatures, and we face the third week of the heat wave with resignation. Whether driving in the city or traveling by road these days, there are some precautions that drivers should follow to prevent possible problems such as dizziness or even heat stroke.

According to the DGT, in extreme heat, it is advisable to take additional precautions since the heat raises the temperature inside the passenger compartment and can alter the driver’s capacity, cause fatigue and produce aggressiveness, tension and nervousness.

Thus, it is recommended before starting to drive, lower the car windows to ventilate the passenger compartment and equalize the interior and exterior temperatures. It is also advisable to avoid the hottest hours, scheduling outings and avoiding the hottest hours. If at any time we detect symptoms of fatigue or drowsiness, stop immediately to rest or sleep.

During summer trips, the heat accelerates the onset of fatigue behind the wheel. Eating and drinking correctly are two ways to combat the effects of high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to drink frequently, without waiting to feel thirsty. The best, water or fruit juices. It is convenient to eat a light diet, rich in proteins and vitamins, avoiding fatty foods. And very importantly, do not consume any alcohol at all if you are going to drive: it slows down your reflexes, creates a feeling of euphoria and a false security, even at the lowest levels.

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    Hydration: having cold water on hand is very important to maintain proper hydration. In addition, it is advisable not to abuse sugary and exciting drinks such as coffee.

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    Protect the interior from the sun: If you are not lucky enough to park in the shade, use a sunshade to protect the windows from the sun, especially the front and the steering wheel. This way you will avoid burning yourself when you return to pick up the vehicle.

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    Cool little by little: open the windows so that the accumulated heat leaves the vehicle and wait a few minutes before turning on the air conditioning.

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    Above 22 degrees: if you have air conditioning, the ideal is to keep the interior of the car at a temperature above 22 degrees to avoid extreme differences in temperature with the outside.

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    Wear comfortable clothing: loose and light. A thin shirt that covers your arms will alleviate the sensation of heat on the skin.

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    Rest: every two hours or at the slightest sign of tiredness, drowsiness or dizziness.

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    Never inside the car: do not wait for other people inside a vehicle when temperatures are high. And of course, do not leave children or pets inside, even for very short periods of time.

In addition, technology can help us. For example, there are applications such as EasyPark, which show drivers the streets where it is easier to park thanks to its Find functionality, thus preventing you from wandering around the city looking for parking in the sun.

The most frequent faults

High temperatures favor the deterioration of certain mechanical parts of our vehicle. Therefore, it is very important to check the car before the trip.

temperatures of a car parked in the sun

Mapfre Foundation

These are some of the most common breakdowns in vehicles when the heat hits.

Battery without charge. We can find that the car does not start when we want to leave the house or, at worst, get stuck in the middle of the trip. Check the battery charge before you leave to avoid surprises.

Air-conditioning. Abusing the air conditioning can deteriorate the ducts, leaks are the most common in this type of breakdown. For this reason, it is advisable to review them before the summer. The thermostat is another piece prone to breakage.

tires. In summer, the asphalt burns and the wear of the wheels is greater. It is convenient to check how worn the tires are and keep in mind that during the trip they will wear out more than in winter.

Refrigeration. If engine cooling fails it can ruin the entire engine block. Therefore, it is essential to check that this system is in the best conditions. keep in mind that with heat, the temperature of the oil is usually somewhat higher. The electric fan, responsible for cooling the engine if the car is stopped, is another part that breaks down the most in summer.

Alternator. This part recharges the battery with the movement of the car, with the excessive use of the air conditioning, the engine cooling system and other electrical parts, the alternator works more than usual in summer. Check that the part and its strap are not damaged, to avoid breakdowns caused by overexertion.

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