Shock: The late Rabbi Shraga Sinai passed away suddenly

by time news

Rabbi Shraga Sinai, who was a well-known figure in Bnei Brak and Petah Tikva, suddenly passed away. He left behind three children whom he had the honor of raising. Funeral service at 3:00 p.m.

Baruch Dayan the truth: This morning came the hard and sad news of the sudden and sudden passing of the late Rabbi Sharaga Sinai, of Bnei Brak – Petah Tikva and he was 55 years old at the time of his passing.

The deceased was born on 17 Tivat 1777 to his father, the late Rabbi Avishalom Sinai, and his mother, Martha Tova, from whom he was orphaned at a young age. His grandfather was the late Rabbi Sharaga Sinai, who was the founder and mythological director of Talmud Torah, “The Basics of the Torah”. in Tel Aviv.

For many years he lived in Bnei Brak and used to pray in the beit midrash of the Radzin community on Herzog Street in Bnei Brak.

He was a well-known man of kindness in Bnei Brak and Petah Tikva who contributed a lot and was benevolent to mankind.

In recent years he moved to the Hadar Ganim neighborhood in Petah Tikva where he passed away this morning.

His sudden passing left his family and many friends in shock.

He left behind his wife Riki Shathai’, three children whom he was blessed with. His nephew was the late singer Rabbi Shargi Geshtatner who was killed in the Miron Tashpa disaster in Lag Ba’Omer. His brother is the man of grace Yablchata Rabbi Arla Sinai of Ezer Mezion.

His funeral will take place today at 15:00 in the afternoon at Segulah Cemetery in Petah Tikva, where Yeatman is.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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