where to go to study in 2023

by time news

You can take advantage of the summer to prepare now for your 2023 return abroad. The annual ranking of the best cities in which to study, produced by the company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), will help you make your choice. The study takes into consideration more than 98,000 testimonials and a series of criteria which enable an overall score to be assigned to 140 cities. Quality of teaching, diversity of the student population, security, professional prospects, cost of living… So much data that answers the questions that each student asks before settling abroad.

The top 20 best cities to study in

1 – London

2 and 3 – Séoul and Munich, equal

4 – Zurich

5 – Melbourne

6 – Berlin

7 – Tokyo

8 – Paris

9 – Sydney

10 – Edinburgh

11 – Boston

12 – Hong Kong

13 – Singapore

14 – Montréal

15 –Toronto

16 – Vienna

17 – The region encompassing Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe

18 – New York

19 – Lausanne

20 – Vancouver

“London has established itself as the best city for students wishing to study abroad”, reports The Indian Express. The British capital is indeed distinguished by the diversity of its students and the quality of its education, but loses points because of an increasingly high cost of living. This is not an isolated case: QS investigators point out that the majority of large cities are becoming less and less affordable for students.

Heading for Asia

Although most of the top destinations are in Europe, Asia does particularly well. Seven new Asian cities, located in South Korea, mainland China, Taiwan and India, enter the ranking for the first time this year. This is notably the case of Madras and Delhi; Mumbai remains the best destination in India, recognized for its affordability, but the city loses points in the area of ​​student diversity, according to The Indian Express.

The British news site Study International looked at the top-ranked Asian cities. According to the survey, the best is Seoul: it is in first place for the quality of education, thanks in particular to Seoul National University (SNU), which is among the 30 best higher education establishments in the world according to the ranking 2023 of universities published by QS.

Tokyo ranks second in Asia, thanks in particular to a very good hiring rate and Todai University, one of the best in the world. The criteria which make it lose points are the high cost of living and the difficulties of integration for foreign students. We find Japan a second time in the top 20 with the Osaka region, known for its excellent institutions, such as Osaka University and Kindai University, as well as for its sense of hospitality and “its open and sociable inhabitants”, according to the article of Study International.

Finally, Young Post, the weekly supplement South China Morning Post aimed at young people, highlights the strengths of Hong Kong, a metropolis known for its diverse and cosmopolitan population, which continues to attract students, taking twelfth place in this world ranking, despite political instability and the difficulties linked to the health crisis. . The quality of its teaching earns it points with, among others, three local universities in the top 50 of the QS ranking of 2023. However, like London, it loses points because of the cost of living, which is very high there. . “A lot of students just don’t have the money for that,” laments Teresa Kwok, a high school student, in the Young Post.

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