Leclerc announces the return of fuel at cost price for the great holiday crossover

by time news

Good news for motorists who are going to hit the road for the great crossover of the holidays. Michel-Édouard Leclerc, president of the strategic committee of the Leclerc centers confirmed, on France Info, an operation at cost price for fuel from the evening of July 28 to July 30.

This operation will take place only in the 636 stations located in shopping centers of the Landerneau firm but not on the highways. According to the company, this will allow motorists to spend between two to twelve cents less per liter depending on the fuel, i.e. a gain of a few euros on a full tank.

However, Michel-Édouard Leclerc launched a small spade by estimating that the signs will soon no longer be able to carry out this type of operation due to “a provision of the Climate law which plans to no longer be able to make discounts on fuel from August 22” despite “a context of inflation and rising energy prices”.

In the meantime, Leclerc is not the only brand to make loss leaders out of fuels to then bring users to the shelves of hypermarkets. Thus, Casino offers for example the liter of fuel at 85 cents in the form of reimbursement in voucher. This operation will be maintained until August 31.

At the start of the school year, TotalEnergies promises discounts at the pump of 20 cents between September and November and then 10 cents at the end of the year.

This discount should be combined with the discount of 18 to 30 euro cents from the government. The Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire said he was in favor of increasing it on Saturday after a compromise with the Republican deputies who called for going “further”. This discount could increase from 18 to 30 euro cents in September and October, then increase to 10 in November and 10 in December,” detailed the minister. The examination of this rebate will take place this Monday, during the examination of the credits of the amending finance bill for 2022.

The majority, on the other hand, rejected any reduction in taxes and VAT on fuel, while several amendments to this effect have been tabled by the left. Éric Coquerel (LFI), the chairman of the Finance Committee, has been defending from the start a package combining price freezes, floating VAT and a tax on oil companies.

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