DIRECT. War in Ukraine: first grain exports expected “as early as this week”

by time news


Ukraine expects first grain exports ‘as early as this week’

And this, despite the Russian bombardments.


Eurovision in the UK

The UK will host the next Eurovision Song Contest instead of Ukraine, the British government has announced. “Following a request from the European Broadcasting Union (which is organizing the event) and the Ukrainian authorities, the BBC has agreed to host the competition next year,” the company said in a statement. British Culture Minister Nadine Dorries, as the UK secured second place last May.


Residents of Donbass in fear of bombs

“I sleep with my clothes on so I can get out quickly if there is an airstrike,” an elderly resident told the Guardian, which devoted a long report to the situation there.


A school and a house of culture bombarded in Chuhouïv, according to the governor of Kharkiv


Cereal exports maintained… despite the bombardments?

Russian strikes on Odessa should not prevent grain exports, the Kremlin said this morning. The bombardments “target the military infrastructure only. It is not at all related to the infrastructure used for the implementation of the grain export agreement, which is why it cannot and should not interfere with the start of the loading process, “said the carrier. -spokesman of the Russian Presidency, Dmitry Peskov.


“Trampling” on the ground

“Despite the lunar comments from both sides, […] most sectors have remained fairly calm”, analyzes on Twitter Olivier Kempf, director of the strategic cabinet La Vigie and associate researcher at the Foundation for Strategic Research.


The conflict has entered its 6th month

Since February 24, the date of the attack on Ukraine by Russia, there has been no respite in the fighting on the fronts of Mykolaiv (South), in the regions of Kharkiv (North-East) or Kherson ( South) but also in the two pro-Russian separatist territories of Donetsk and Lugansk in the East. We take stock in this article.


Russian installation detected 10 km from Ukrainian border

British intelligence “has identified a Russian military vehicle reconditioning facility near Barvinok in Russia’s Belgorod Oblast, 10 km from the Ukrainian border”.


“Inconclusive” fighting in Donbass and Kherson

“Russian commanders continue to face a dilemma, either to resume the offensive in the east or to strengthen the defense in the west,” said the British Ministry of Defense in its latest bulletin.


“Putin makes fun of everyone”

Barely 24 hours after announcing a historic agreement to allow the evacuation of grain, the main Ukrainian port was hit by Russian missiles. Yet another contradiction between words and deeds on the part of the Kremlin, which we decipher for you in this article.


A “war against the unity of Europe”

The war that Russian President Vladimir Putin is waging against Ukraine is also “a war against the unity of Europe”, criticizes German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. “The war that Putin is waging against Ukraine is also a war against the unity of Europe. We must not allow ourselves to be divided, we must not allow the great work of a united Europe which we have begun so promising to be destroyed,” he declared during a speech in Paderborn.


Ukrainian troops ready for the offensive in the south

kyiv has vowed to launch a counter-offensive to retake the strategic Kherson region, and President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday that Ukrainian forces were advancing “step by step”. But “we really don’t have enough artillery”, warns a soldier, Stanislav, according to whom “if we fire eight times, the Russians retaliate 48 times”


Zelensky prepares for Ukrainian Sovereignty Day

While Ukrainian forces are gaining the advantage in the Kherson area, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on his compatriots on Sunday evening to “be united and work together for victory”, before “celebrating for the first time the Day of Sovereignty of Ukraine, July 28”.



And welcome to this direct dedicated to the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine, which began five months ago now.

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