Teleworking: a record petition for cross-border workers in Luxembourg

by time news

They come from Thionville, Metz, Arlon, Nancy, Esch-sur-Alzette or elsewhere and are part of the 80,000 Moselle residents who go to work in Luxembourg every day. Their common point: they are signatories of a petition that has been creating buzz since its launch in mid-July. The text of Sabrina Litim, a Frenchwoman living in Belgium, but working in the Grand Duchy, has already attracted nearly 13,000 Internet users. It calls for “two days of teleworking per week” and collected 4,500 signatures when it was launched, in less than a day.

The French bank employee invites us to find a “fair balance” between 100% telework “not viable” and the need to “limit travel and their destructive ecological impacts”, for a better “balance private life / professional life”. Hoping to reach 20,000 signatures, Sabrina Litim will be received this fall at the Chamber of Deputies. The public debate will take place before the parliamentary resumption.

“It will then be necessary to settle the legal brakes on a European scale”

But the question is far from settled: “Two days of teleworking, Moselle cross-border workers will be relieved in terms of mobility”, comments Christian Simon-Lacroix, head of French cross-border workers at the OGBL union (Independent Trade Union Confederation of Luxembourg) . “But behind, it will then be necessary to settle the legal brakes on a European scale. Because for the time being, the status (very advantageous financially) of cross-border workers is defined, in terms of social security, by the limit of 25% of working time not to be exceeded in their country of residence.

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