Singapore to offer coronavirus vaccination for children 6 months to 4 years old after 2 children die : InfoQuest

by time news

Bloomberg News reported that Singapore authorities are preparing to vaccinate against COVID-19. to children aged 6 months to 4 years until the fourth quarter of this year, after Singapore has recorded two child deaths from COVID-19 in the past two months.

The move comes after Singapore’s under 12-year-old death from COVID-19. It was the first in June last year. Singapore, which is currently facing an epidemic of the Omicron strain. Someone infected with COVID-19 The cumulative total is about 1.7 million, of which 3.9% are under 5 years of age.

In addition to Singapore Hong Kong is also considering vaccinating against COVID-19. for children under 3 years old as well. While the US authorities have approved vaccinations for infants and young children. which is the last group that has not been allowed to be vaccinated

By InfoQuest News Agency (26 Jul 65)

Tags: COVID-19, COVID vaccination, Singapore, COVID-19

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