The global standard for safety testing language in autonomous vehicles led by Portalix has been approved

by time news

The standard, based on the language for describing scenarios developed by the Israeli Portalix, will allow the industry to advance another step towards the next steps in autonomous vehicles and ADAS systems

Foretellix, the Israeli company that promised to make a change in the automotive world, is keeping its promise: the approval of the global standard for the safety testing language of autonomous vehicle systems, based on the unique language developed by the Israeli Foretellix, for describing autonomous vehicle scenarios, the M-SDL language.

The new standard allows car manufacturers, suppliers, regulators and insurance companies to use a common language and a single methodology for evaluating and ensuring the safety of automated driving systems throughout the supply and certification chain.

OpenSCENARIO 2.0.0 ASAM standard, developed by ASAMThe Association for Standardization of Automation and Measurement SystemsASAM is a world-leading German consortium for standardization and standards, in which about 400 organizations from the global automotive industry are members, including all the major car manufacturers, Tier-1 suppliers, engineering service providers and research institutes.

The purpose of the new standard is to support the definition of tests and scenarios for the full development process of autonomous vehicles, and the full complexity of real-world scenarios, in which vehicle traffic is complex within the city. The usage scenarios range from pure software simulations, through hybrid test models that combine software simulations and the real world (SIL), HIL, VIL), to test tracks and driving on actual roads.

As mentioned, the standard is based on the M-SDL language developed by Portalix – the first open language that provides an answer to the shortcomings that exist in the formats, languages, methods and metrics that have been used to date for the purpose of verification and verification of the safety of autonomous vehicles and driver assistance systems, and also meets the industry’s need for ‘safety measurement’.

“Since the founding of Portalix, we have taken on a great task: to create a global standard that will support the great change that the automotive industry is undergoing in the 21st century,” he said affluent age, co-founder and VP of Regulation at Portlix. “Our verification, validation and language experts have teamed up with the heads of the ASAM organization and the best experts in the industry to make this happen. We are committed to promote the adoption of the standard and to mobilize all our experience, resources and tools for this purpose. The international recognition that the M-SDL language received when it was converted to OpenSCENARIO 2.0 and the wide deployment that we expect it to have thanks to the standard is a very significant milestone in the life of the company.”

Gil Amid managed the new standard drafting project on behalf of ASAM after he was also involved in the drafting of the standard’s concept documents. Along with him, many from Portlix contributed to the process, especially Yoav Hollander, founder and CTO of the company and the “father of the language”, and Sharon Rosenberg, Solution Architect & Chief Methodologist at Portlix.

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