2022 elections: survey reveals how close the Netanyahu bloc is to forming a government?

by time news

2022 election: A poll by Prof. Camille Fox for News 13 gave Benjamin Netanyahu’s bloc 60 mandates today (Tuesday). The Likud under its leadership receives 35 seats with the second largest party being Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid with 24 seats. Next comes Blue and White-New Hope of Benny Gantz and Gideon Sa’ar with 13 seats.

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The fourth largest party is the religious Zionism of Bezalel Smotrich with 11 seats. Shas and Aryeh Deri receive 8 mandates, followed by Torah Judaism and the joint list with 6 mandates each.

Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu wins 5 mandates and the Labor, Meretz and Ra’am parties receive 4 mandates each. Ayelet Shaked’s right does not pass the threshold. When divided into blocs, the parties that make up the Netanyahu-supporting bloc receive 60 mandates against 54 mandates for the constituent parties the current coalition.

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In the survey, the participants were asked if they changed their voting intentions compared to their vote in the last elections and if so, was it for the party in the same block or not for the party not in the same block? The majority, 61 percent, answered that they did not change their voting intentions or did not vote at all. 19 percent answered that they changed their voting intentions to a party from the same bloc. 13 percent have not yet decided and only 7 percent answered that they changed their voting intention to parties from another bloc.

Another question in the survey was which government the public prefers – will it include the religious Zionist chairman Itamar Ben Gabir? Or a government in partnership with Mansor Abbas’s Rem party? 40 percent responded that they would prefer a government that includes Ben Gabir and 20 percent preferred a government that includes the Prime Minister. 30 percent responded that none of the options is preferable.

The respondents in the survey were also asked according to what they make the decision for whom to vote for. The absolute majority, 73 percent, answered according to their own opinions without anyone’s influence. The rest were divided in the answers “the leader who convinces me the most with his appearance” (9 percent), “another measure” (8 percent), “recommendations from family and friends” (5 percent) and another 5 percent answered that they do not know.

The survey also asked whether what has happened so far in the Netanyahu trial had an effect on voting intentions. 71 percent answered that there was no effect on voting intentions compared to 17 percent who answered that it did. 12 percent answered that they do not know.

In the last question we asked who better represents the values ​​you believe in – Netanyahu or Lapid? 40 percent answered Netanyahu versus 30 percent for Lapid. 26 percent answered that none of them.

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