The Delta Aquarius meteors will decorate the sky of Qatar next Friday

by time news

The Qatari Calendar House announced that the residents of the northern hemisphere, including the residents of the State of Qatar, will be on a date with seeing and monitoring the meteor shower (Delta Aquarius) for this year, as it will reach its climax, God willing, on the evening of / Friday / next 30 of the month of “Dhul-Hijjah” 1443 AH. , corresponding to July 29, 2022 AD, and will extend until the early hours of the morning of Saturday, July 30, 2022 AD.
Dr. Bashir Marzouk, an astronomer expert at the Qatar Calendar House, said: “The delta-aquatic meteors are active annually during the period from mid-July to August 23 each year, while they reach their peak on July 28 and 29 of each year. The rate of its fall into the sky at its peak reaches 20 meteors per hour, according to the estimation of astronomers specializing in meteor observing.
What distinguishes meteor showers is that monitoring them requires only a place far from environmental and light pollution, so the residents of the State of Qatar will be able to monitor and see the delta aquifer meteor shower without the need for astronomical devices or telescopes, as they can see and monitor it with the naked eye from Friday evening until dawn /Saturday/, by looking towards the eastern horizon of the sky of the State of Qatar from midnight until dawn of the next day, and modern digital cameras can be used to obtain images of meteor showers, taking into account the increase in exposure time during shooting to obtain distinctive images of the delta aquifers.
He added: “The delta meteors will have a good chance this year, as the moon will be in the crescent phase, which means that it will not be present in the sky at the height of the delta aquifers, which allows meteors to be monitored well because moonlight will not affect the sighting of meteors. It is below the horizon.
The reason for the name of the meteors (Delta Aquarius) is because they appear near the constellation Aquarius, specifically near the bright star in this constellation “Delta Aquarius”.
It is noteworthy that meteor showers generally occur as a result of the Earth’s passing as it moves in its orbit around the sun near grains of dust and particles left by comets, and these grains intersect with the Earth’s atmosphere, and cause a flash that falls in the sky of the globe like fireworks.
It must be taken into account that the best places to see the delta aquarius meteors are the darkest places, which are the places far from residential areas that contain light and environmental pollutants that may hinder the vision of meteors, while the best times to see the delta aquarius meteors are from midnight until dawn of the next day.

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