For a month only… Here’s what will happen after you stop eating sugar?

by time news

Many people love to eat sweets and drinks rich in sugar, despite the constant warnings against eating them because of their devastating damage to health and the body.

Have you thought about what would happen to your body if you decided to stop eating every dish or drink that contains sugar?

In this regard, the “Birdy” website, which specializes in health affairs, published what a person would face if he stopped eating sweets and drinks rich in sugar for a whole month, according to the chronology from the first minutes of implementing his decision.

After 20 minutes this is what will happen!

The site confirms that eating sugar is like an addiction, it leads you to keep asking for more of it without stopping, so after your first sugar-free meal, you will feel very satiated and will not crave the sweetness that comes after the meal.

After an hour..a feeling of fullness

You’ll still feel full an hour after the first meal, and you’ll often feel energized and energized, and you’re less likely to crave a dessert.

After a day.. eat healthy food

Nutritionist Lauren O’Connor says that after spending an entire day without eating sugar, a person will start wanting to eat food rich in beneficial elements, such as fiber and fats that sugar used to replace in the body.

Expressive – iStock

After 3 days..bad mood and depression

O’Connor also points out that the third day is the first difficult day, as giving up sugar may start to affect a person’s mood and may lead to depression in some cases.

After a week..good mood and better effort

After a week of stopping sweets and other things, you will start to feel in a good mood and your health will improve a lot, and you will be able to work harder than before.

After a month.. an unexpected desire

The nutrition expert also indicated that your desire to eat sugar will disappear completely after a month of abstaining from sugar, and you may experience an unexpected desire to eat vegetables and foods rich in protein.

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