Good news will be heard and debts will be released today – ASTRO – YOURS TOMORROW

by time news

(Cancer Wow…Patriarchy is important)

Amavasi starts at 9:11:49 PM on Wednesday and ends at 11:24:31 PM on Thursday. ……………………………………………………………………..

(Tiruvathira Nakshatra till 4 am 8 min 58 sec followed by Punartham Nakshatra).

Ashwati: Sincerity towards work will increase, will be ready to act according to the advice and suggestions of others, there will be kinship and kindness towards relatives, financial progress will be achieved and business interest will increase.

Jar: You will be able to work with more responsibility and sense of purpose, you will be able to complete pending matters, there is a possibility of promotion in the official field, and many personal blessings will come.

Karthika: Assistance will be received from abroad, oppositions and challenges will be overcome, employment will rise, financial progress will be achieved and good deeds done in the past will be reaped.

Rohini: There will be positive experiences from family, business matters will be executed as intended, criticism from opponents will be overcome, favorable decisions will be made in marriage matters.

Maize: You will get help from relatives, you will think of starting new ventures with friends, you will be adventurous and enthusiastic, you will be able to renew old relationships and you will be noticed in the society.

Thiruvathira:Delayed benefits and honors will be returned, defects in family relations will be removed, work and studies can be carried out simultaneously, higher thinking will increase.

Repetition: New possibilities will emerge in children’s studies, they will work knowing the needs of adults, responsibilities will increase, they will get good experiences with your help, and more interactions will be made in social and cultural fields.

Puyam: At the organizational level, setbacks and isolation should be avoided, conflict will increase in relationships with superiors, lawyers should be careful not to get upset, marital problems will intensify, new relationships will not be good.

Aylam : Government officials facing the possibility of being transferred should not be isolated in family relations, should not unnecessarily get involved in controversies, should not help undeserving others to tarnish their reputation, should not break ties with siblings.

Son: Those working in judicial departments should not invite self-discipline, there will be resolution of property disputes, possibility of getting relief from debts and starting new ventures, financial assistance will be offered, freedom from enemy harassment.

Puram: You will have to seek the help of relatives to get out of debt, you will be under mental pressure due to family problems and ready to make compromises, disputes at work place should not escalate, unnecessary money will be spent and misunderstandings will occur.

Answer: Financial obligations arising from children will have to be fulfilled, women will feel laziness and laziness in the field of work, care must be taken not to create estrangement with colleagues, quarrels with the public and opposition from many quarters.

Atham: It will be difficult to get back the lost position of authority, things will come and go that will bring economic benefit to women, possibility of long distance travel, balance in family relations, don’t miss opportunities for personal gain, artists will have new opportunities and financial gain.

Image:A cheerful atmosphere will be created in family life, support will be given to those who seek shelter, success in life will be achieved due to hard efforts and timely interventions, income will rise due to active activities, and on some occasions will have to take charge of bosses.

Question: Intimacy with and help from abroad will be increased, personal freedom will be maximized for pleasant pursuits, laziness will be avoided, rise in competitions will be achieved, responsibilities will be fulfilled with pride, students will have scope for higher studies.

Visakhapatnam: Achievements will be achieved in the field of science and technology, there will be financial gain through partner, moderation in spending money, direct success in experiments, help in solving other people’s problems, disputes in business will be resolved.

Shadow: Trade relations will be improved, there will be gains in the construction sector, child’s misfortune will be removed, salary will be increased in new job field, financial assistance will be received from father or paternal relatives, loan obstacle from financial institution will be removed.

Heard: Property disputes with neighbors will be resolved, beneficial changes will occur in the field of work, commercial disputes will be settled, women will get job opportunities or financial assistance in foreign countries, harm from enemies will be reduced, high-level relationships will be helpful for career success of the child.

Due to: Relationships in the past will be a headache, you will get out of an accident head on, balance should be maintained in family relationships, the use of intoxicants should be avoided completely, helping others while forgetting your own needs will be harmful, talk without patience and anger will bring danger, take any decision only after thinking about it.

Puradam: Family health will decrease, more attention should be paid to all health matters, difficulties will be felt due to non-compliance of conditions, financial insecurity, bad habits should be avoided, great care should be taken while entering into contracts, mediation in family matters should be tried in the presence of relatives.

Utradam: One should try to maintain happiness and peace in the family, things that were thought impossible can be easily achieved, activities with mutual understanding will be successful, those working in the field of arts will get achievements and recognitions, will get favorable judgment in rights disputes, change of career will be beneficial.

Thiruvonam: External help will decrease, unnecessary quarrels with neighbors will occur, vehicular troubles will increase, disturbances in marital life will increase, political activists will lose public support, traveling ordeals will increase and there will be fear of trafficking, unexpected financial loss.

Also: The natives will face miseries, there will be mental difficulties with the son, care should be taken that the health condition does not deteriorate, students will become laziness in studies, harassment from enemies will increase, brothers and sisters should not stand for quarrels, more care is required in the official field, marriage proposals will face obstacles.

Cheating: There is a possibility of displacement in the official field, obstacles and difficulties in the realization of desires, financial condition will not be better, lawsuits will be unfavorable, there will be obstacles for candidates to get appointment orders, progress in the field of work will decrease and will earn the hatred of superior officials.

Birthday: You should try to improve the means of earning money, you will get recognition from the field of art, obstacles to business ventures will be removed, spouse will get better at work, relationship with siblings will be improved, obstacles to moving abroad will be removed, loan assistance will be obtained, personal gains will be made in foreign countries.

Answer: Disputes at work place will be resolved, salary increase in private firm is likely, there will be favorable attitude towards the behavior of colleagues, approval of superiors will be gained, vehicle quality and good luck in travels are likely.

Revathi: There will be peace in official affairs, there will be meeting for change of profession, deserving positions will be obtained in the field of sports, there will be benefits in running private enterprise, marital quarrels will be avoided, there will be benefits in buying and selling of luxury goods, oppositions in public will end, business will be expanded with the help of the owners.

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