The number 3 of the CFDT, Frédéric Sève, died suddenly

by time news

The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, announced on Tuesday the “brutal death” of number three of the first French union, in charge of the pension file. “With infinite sadness, we announce the sudden death of Frédéric Sève, National Secretary and Treasurer of the CFDT. A committed activist, immensely responsible who knew how to combine reflection, ambition and action, Frédéric was a wonderful man and a friend. The CFDT is in mourning, ”tweeted Mr. Berger. Mr. Sève died at the age of 55 of a heart attack, indicates the central.

Confederal treasurer of the CFDT, this professor of economics and social sciences, had been secretary general of the education union Sgen-CFDT in 2012 before joining the Executive Commission of the Confederation in 2016, indicates the union in a press release, referring to “tremendous sadness”.

A “tremendous defender of social dialogue”

“Responsible for the pension file, he has not ceased in recent years to fight with conviction and perseverance to make the system fairer”, continues the press release. “He was also the great craftsman of the CFDT’s alliance with around sixty organizations in the Pact of the power to live”, launched in March 2019 with the ambition of “converging ecology and social”.

Several union and political leaders have paid tribute to him on social networks, evoking a “man of great intellectual and moral value”, an “ardent union activist” and a “tremendous defender of social dialogue”.

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