She is nine years old, she was rejected in different schools and her parents got a surprise

by time news

Michelle Arellano Guillen It is a girl who has stolen the glances thanks to the fact that his nine years old is preparing to start his medical degree in August. Michelle’s IQ is also amazing, as she is from 158that is, two points below that of Albert Einstein.

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ), in English Intelligence Quotient (IQ), It is a value resulting from performing a standardized test to measure the cognitive skills and intellectual capacity of a person. This figure, which measures the intelligence of the person carrying out the study, is placed in the table and the result arises from the relationship with the established parameters of their age group. In this way, Michelle surprised the specialists with her elevated 158.

Prior to taking this intelligence test, the girl born in Mexico was rejected at several schools to which she applied. For this reason, in search of a solution for the development of their daughter, her parents decided to carry out a series of medical studies to analyze her intelligence. In this way, They discovered that she was one of the gifted people in the world.

In her high school years, her high IQ made the little girl start to feel bored in every class. Her exams were easy for her and she did not find school challenges within the reach of her ability. For this reason, when she was in her fourth year, she was promoted to the sixth grade of elementary school.

Despite this progress at school, the difference with his new classmates was still remarkable. But because of his intelligence, in his school he made several unique evaluations so that he would pass immediately both primary and secondary and graduate from their studies.

Michelle explained that she would like to find a cure for cancer or autism

And so he did. At just nine years old, Michelle Arellano Guillén finished school very early and decided to start studying a branch of medicine.

Now, Michelle will study medicine and her goal is to become a cardiovascular surgeon. After analyzing various first-class North American establishments, she and her parents were inclined to the University of Massachusetts, United States, just like his mother, who studied the same professional career.

Although this is not the only dream of the girl, since she also wants to study marine biology.. Although it seems a lot to anyone, the level of intelligence of the young woman will surely allow him to fulfill the two objectives of hers.

He currently dominates four languages ​​other than Spanish: English, Italian, French and German, he also has accelerated learning due to his high IQ. Michelle explained in an interview with Chiapas uncensoredwhat would like to find the cure for cancer or autism.

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