The case of the disappearance of Moishi Kleinerman: two suspects were arrested by the police

by time news

122 days after he disappeared, there was another development in the investigation into the disappearance of Moishi Kleinerman, the 16-year-old ultra-Orthodox boy who went to Miron in March and has since disappeared. In recent days, several operations were carried out by the police and two suspects were arrested, one of them was arrested last night and the other a few days ago. The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court extended their detention today (Tuesday) but their names were banned from publication. First in the case but he was released a few days later.

Yesterday the Peace Court in Jerusalem extended the publication ban on the investigation. The order, which was supposed to expire today, orders the publication of every detail of the investigation, and every detail that could identify the suspects. The order is valid for an additional 14 days until August 10, 2022.

As published in the first source, the investigation into the boy’s absence was transferred to the Shi’a police station about a month ago and a special investigation team was formed which, in conjunction with the investigation and intelligence division of the police, is working to locate the boy. On the gag order issued by the police yesterday, it appeared that the party requesting the order is a nationalist crime party, but according to all the data available from the beginning of the investigation until today, there is no indication that the incident is nationalist. The investigation team is composed of several parties and it is possible that the investigator who issued the order belongs to the nationalist party.

A gag order on the investigation into the absence of Moishi Kleinerman issued by the police. Photo: Police spokeswoman

The parents of Moishi Kleinerman say that the investigative unit is in continuous contact with them and updates them about the progress of the investigation. They also added that they: “We trust the police to take whatever action is necessary in order to locate Moishi and return him home. Accordingly, we demand that the issue not drop from the agenda.”

The parents also expressed appreciation for the actions of the police: “We see a deep commitment of all those involved in the case, from the level of the commissioner, the district commander, the head of the District Court to the last police officer of the investigating unit. We respect the court’s order and act in accordance with the provisions of the law.”

The family is informed about the developments by retired Sergeant Major Eli Chen, a special professional advisor who accompanies the ongoing investigation by the police and serves as the contact person on behalf of Moishi Kleinerman’s parents with the Israel Police.

“In our eyes, the news will be when the child returns home.” Says Hayom Chen, who served for many years as the head of the investigation and search for missing persons team in the Israel Police and adds: “There is indeed a certain development in the investigation as was published about a number of recent arrests. Every development in the investigation is welcome, every step taken by the investigating unit is a welcome step. We certainly see that the police are working on the story and are investing a lot of effort with the best minds and the tools they have. At the same time, our position is that we must not let go until this child returns home. Our working premise has not changed and that is that Moishi is alive and the parents expect him to return home.”

Moishi’s parents at the family home. Photo: David Zer

Attorney Roy Atias, who represents one of the suspects, said: “For the avoidance of doubt, no one can suspect my client, not even the investigating unit, of causing the boy’s absence. The police, in a desperate and shameful step, it can be said, are trying to blame the witnesses for their actions or negative involvement for doing no wrong. I have no shadow of a doubt that in the coming days my client will be released from detention and cleared of all suspicion.”

The case of Moishi Kleinerman’s absence is an unusual case by any standard. Also in terms of the fact that this is a minor who has been missing for such a long time, in terms of the content and nature of the affair but also in terms of its products. The first source learned that at the same time as the main story that focuses on the location of Moishi and while the investigation is developing, the police have identified other avenues that do not directly relate to the story of Moishi’s disappearance and they are investing a lot of effort in those additional avenues as well. Sources privy to the details say today to the Rishon source: “This has nothing to do with the progress in Moishi’s investigation, but these are avenues committed to intervention and treatment.”

At the same time as the arrests, the search for Moishi continued today in the Miron sector, the last place where he was seen four months ago. “It doesn’t really matter to us if there are detainees or not, we are completing the task, it is not completed.” Aharon Streicher, spokesman for the Yakl unit that leads the search in the northern sector, tells Makor Rishon today.

In the YCL unit they set up a target bank where the idea is to reach places that meet Moishi’s profile, places the boy used to hang out and also lesser known graves of tzaddiks.

“We continue the search, even today. We use an application that records what we have scanned and what remains to be scanned and we are slowly expanding the radius with an emphasis on more distant places where he liked to hang out.” Streicher said and added: “This week we focused on the axis that is between Miron on the connection to Safed, completing more and more field cells. The fact is one – 122 days have passed and we still haven’t found Moishi, we keep looking more and more until, with God’s help, we reach him.”

The search for the missing boy Moishi Kleinman. Photo: Photo by Yakl Spokesperson

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