the number of job seekers fell by 0.8% in the 2nd quarter

by time news

The drop in the number of job seekers is confirmed in the second quarter of 2022. Their number in category A (without activity) has indeed recorded a drop of 0.8% in France (excluding Mayotte) compared to the quarter previous, according to figures released Wednesday by the Ministry of Labor.

This decrease amounts to 26,900 less registrations in this category compared to the first half, bringing their number to 3.165 million for the second period of the year.

Over one year, the fall in category A recorded is 15.1%. Including reduced activity (categories B and C of Pôle Emploi), the number of job seekers fell by 1.7% in the second quarter (-8.9% over one year) and stood at 5,436 million, according to the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Labor (Dares).

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Decrease in the number of unemployed in categories B and C

“The number of job seekers continues to decrease! »immediately welcomed the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt on Twitternoting that the number of registrants in categories A, B and C “substantially reduced”.

In the second quarter, the number of job seekers in categories B (less than 78 hours of work in the month) fell by 3.7% (-27,700 job seekers) after having increased by 2.2% in the quarter previous. Those in category C (more than 79 hours) also fell by -2.7% (-41,900 job seekers).

In category A, for metropolitan France alone, the number of job seekers was stable in the second quarter for those under 25 (-22.8% over one year) and fell for those aged 25-49 (-0, 4%) and those aged 50 and over (-1.2%).

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On the long-term unemployment front, the number of jobseekers registered for a year or more fell by 3.9% in the second quarter (-14.9% over one year) to 2.57 million (categories A, B etc). The share of job seekers registered for a year or more reached 47.3% (-3.3 points over one year).

In the first half of the year, the unemployment rate, already falling, was at its lowest since 2008. The latest quarterly results published at the end of April had indeed reported a sharp drop of 5% in category A, i.e. 170,000 fewer registered , after a fall of the same order in the previous quarter (-5.7%). For all ABC categories, the decline was 2.7% to 5.533 million.

The second quarter figures confirm other favorable indicators published recently. The number of declarations of hiring for more than a month (excluding temporary workers) notably increased by 3.6% in the second quarter, after a slight drop in the previous quarter (-0.6%), indicated Urssaf the last week.

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