Collapse on K2: queues to reach the top and more ascents in one day than in 42 years

by time news

It was a feat destined for a few brave and outstanding mountaineerbut what was unthinkable happened: Everest suffered a tourist collapse in 2012. Then, the experts warned of the high risk of accidents if they continued to massify summits highest and most dangerous in the world. However, the man tripped over the same stone again and more than 200 climbers formed a very long queue for hours trying to conquer the 8,848-meter summit in 2019, thus beating the ascent record in the same day. Beyond the breakdowns and of some historical photographsimpressive and Dantesque in equal parts, the experts once again warned of another danger: the commercial drift of a natural wonder. Instead, the sherpas of Nepal saw a vein and they have copied the business in the K2of 8.611 metros.

Last July 22, 145 personas they reached the K2 summit. That’s more people than did it between 1954, when Achille Compagnoni y Lino Lacedelli became the first to do so, and 1996. The tourist overcrowding of the ochosmiles It is obvious. So much so that the urine of thousands of Everest climbers is melting a glacier.

Long queue at a critical point at the top

K2 does not face the sky like Everest, but it exceeds it in difficulty. The figures speak for themselves: until 2021, 10,658 people crowned the peak of the Himalayas and only 377 that of the Karakoram, according to the Himalayan Database count. Despite the challenge it entails, it has become another tourist attraction.

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The mountaineer of the Sherpa ethnic group Mingma G He denounced the situation through a video that he posted on social networks. The video shows some thirty people doing indian tail and waiting for his turn to reach the top. In addition, the jam occurred in the ‘Bottleneck’the culminating point of the peak and one of the most dangerous of this ‘ochomil‘. There have been avalanches and ice falls, as well as severed ropes and climbers have been trapped in the descent.

The sherpa who records the traffic jam advertises his services

Despite immortalizing the traffic jam, Mingma did not miss the opportunity to advertise his services. On his Twitter profile it is noted that he led the first winter expedition to K2 last year. He has also climbed Everest five times and K2 three times, as well as 13 of the 14 peaks over 8,000 meters without oxygen. In the video, he takes the opportunity to remember the next expeditions of more than 7,000 meters that he will carry out, as well as “numerous” of 6,000 meters, he announced, while leaving the link of his company to be able to sign up. What was unthinkable, happened. And it will continue to happen.

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