What you see tonight: people who live in virtual reality, and die for it

by time news

It was only a matter of time before the market began to be flooded with documentaries about the damage of the corona, and after the expected first wave of medical and health teams and all that sailing, it was time for fun. About. That is, it depends on whether you consider fun to be people who have copied their lives into the digital world and maintain any human connection only through virtual means for fun.

The documentary “We Met In Virtual Reality”, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival last January and was broadcast yesterday on HBO, follows the virtual world of VRChat, a network that allows people to interact in a virtual world, with the help of 3D avatars that the users build for themselves, during the Corona closure period. So a huge black man with horns can fall in love with a tiny manga girl and people who lost their livelihood during the corona virus found a new version of them, for example a sign language teacher who started a renewed class.

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The film is shot entirely inside the virtual world, including on-camera interviews with the avatar characters, but according to reviews, that doesn’t make it any less human. If anything, on the contrary. “Watching the movie, you quickly forget that the two people snuggling in front of you have horns and a tail or that the plane they’re sitting in doesn’t exist,” The Hollywood Reporter wrote. “And when the sign language teacher talks about losing her brother during the corona virus and lights a virtual candle in his memory, there is nothing synthetic about the emotions you experience.” The director of the series claimed that the relationships created in the virtual world are more “pure” than normal human relationships, and according to the descriptions of the reviews, it sounds like he has a point.

“We Met In Virtual Reality” aired yesterday (28.7) on HBO and is available on HBO Max

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