Seven injured in a car accident on Route 505 involving two Palestinian vehicles

by time news

Seven people were injured today (Thursday) in a car accident involving two Palestinian vehicles that happened on Highway 505 near the entrance to Kfar Marda.

Union rescue teams that arrived at the scene gave first aid to seven injured people, six of whom were slightly injured. One moderately injured person had to be rescued from his vehicle by fire crews. All were evacuated by the Red Storm for further treatment at the hospital in Nablus.

Shmulik Agassi, head of the Ihud Hatzala branch in Ariel, said: “We provided first aid at the scene of the accident to a moderately injured person and six lightly injured. Fire crews worked at the scene to rescue a 40-year-old man who was moderately injured. All of the victims were evacuated by the Red Crescent to continue receiving medical treatment at the Nablus hospital.”

Photo: Ihud Hatzla spokesmen
Photo: Ihud Hatzla spokesmen

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