Hebrew News – Has healing properties and health benefits: get to know the aloe vera plant

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Has healing properties and health benefits: get to know the aloe vera plant

This miracle plant, which has been used since the 18th century, contains huge amounts of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and more. We have put together a list for you with all the tremendous and surprising benefits of aloe vera, one that will make you run to the health food store closest to your home

Aloe Vera is a plant that originates from South and East Africa. Many do not know this, but there are actually more than 360 different strains, but only a few of them are considered medicinal. Most of us are used to using aloe vera externally, but actually when used internally, this miracle plant has many properties and qualities.

So how do you use aloe vera?

External use: Applying gel from the pharmacy or by breaking a branch and applying it on the body.

Internal Use: Aloe vera drinks, aloe vera-based creams and more.

So what are the benefits of this special plant?

rich in vitamins

Aloe vera is rich in vitamins, such as vitamin B12, C, E, B6 and folic acid and much more. All vitamins have important and vital effects on the body, from weight loss to maintaining the skin and the various systems in the body.

A powerful antioxidant
Aloe vera contains natural antioxidants and as a result there is a significant slowing down of the development of free radicals in the body.

Helps in weight loss
Aloe vera can help you lose weight in a healthy and moderate way. The plant increases the rate of metabolism in the body as well as antioxidants that lead to an increase in energy levels and detoxification in an optimal way, which contributes to a healthy weight loss.

improves the digestive process
Aloe vera is known for its ability to relieve constipation, and can also prevent stomach ulcers. The plant contains important enzymes that help break down sugars and fats, therefore helping the digestive system to work more smoothly.

provides energy
If you feel tired, an aloe vera drink is a natural and healthy way to energize the body and provide it with a boost of energy, with a minimum of calories. Because it is loaded with essential vitamins it is known for its ability to increase energy and mood.

Stimulates collagen production
Collagen is an essential protein that has a decisive effect on the health of the skin and its elasticity, the health of the hair, nails and bones. Aloe vera encourages the production of collagen, therefore can contribute to the health of the skin and its smoothness, prevent acne and reduce the risk of skin inflammation.

Helps the activity of the immune system
Aloe vera can improve the immune system, and therefore also help to deal with or completely prevent seasonal viral diseases.

Helps oral health
Aloe vera helps to cure gum disease thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, and can also treat mouth ulcers. To contribute to oral health, it is recommended to use an aloe vera drink as a mouthwash.

Has anti-inflammatory properties
Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to the presence of plant steroids such as lufaol and campesterol, which are known for their ability to prevent and inhibit inflammatory processes.

Improves heart health
Aloe vera drink has a significant effect on heart health thanks to the polyphenols found in the plant. which are actually powerful antioxidants that maintain heart health and prevent the development of diseases such as strokes or heart attacks.

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