On August 12 begins the 4th. edition of the Diploma in Design and Management of Rural Tourism Enterprises • Agroverdad

by time news

Authorities of the Rural Society of Jesús María, the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the UNC and the Córdoba Tourism Agency, signed an agreement for the dictation of the 4th Edition of the Diploma in Design and Management of Rural Tourism Enterprises. The start is scheduled for Friday, August 12, at 4:00 p.m., at the House of History of Colonia Caroya, located on Calle 9 Nº 389.

Las pre-registration, which is free of chargecan be done through the following access link: https://bit.ly/3cOf2rV

The owner of the rural entity participated in the signing, Pablo Martínez, together with Rosana Bergagna; Esteban Avilespresident of the Provincial Agency, and Paola Nanini, also of the state entity; and the dean of the house of higher studies, Jorge Dutto, to give shape and continuity to an articulation between the academic, governmental and private spheres. The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Rural Society.

“As the public university that we are, we have the obligation to reach the largest number of the population, in different formats. In this case, it is the fourth cohort of the diploma that we have with Rural and with the Agency. There is a lot of demand for this offer, there are already more than 150 graduateswe had a first edition in Cerro Colorado, another here in Jesús María, a virtual one during the pandemic, and this time territorially it will be dictated in Colonia Caroya but it will have blended modality”, Dean Jorge Dutto said.

For his part, the president of the Rural Society stated that “Our entity is not only for union activity, but also for education. Especially when it has to do with rooting, with added valuewith gastronomy, with our customs”.

Some of the contents included in the program are the following: Introduction to Rural Tourism; Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship; Strategic Plan for Rural Tourism; Tourism and Media; Commercialization and Marketing Applied to Tourism; Value Added Strategies for Agricultural Production; Rural Tourism and Sustainability; Political and Economic Context for Rural Tourism Projects. To see the full program, click HERE.

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